Monday, January 20, 2025

Proposal: Breaching the vault

Rejected 3-4 with a unresolved def and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 20:34:46 UTC

In “The Vault {I}”, change

achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone (if a Mutable rule attempts to do so, it instead does not, and may be repealed by any Participant);


achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone, unless the person achieving victory is a Participant with at least 12 Triumphs;

and change

directly amend or modify the ruleset or non-mutable dynastic gamestate through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action;


directly amend or modify the ruleset, or the non-mutable dynastic gamestate of a Participant with less than 8 Triumphs, through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action;

In “Focus {I}”, change

A Heist Action can never be Swift if the previous Heist Action performed by the same Participant was Swift.


A Heist Action can never be Swift if the previous Heist Action performed by the same Participant was Swift and that Participant has less than 6 Triumphs.

In “Teams and Targets {I}”, change

For each Participant, add their Claims to their Triumphs, then set their Claims to 0.


For each Participant, add their Claims to their Triumphs, then set their Claims to 0. If their Triumphs were less than 10, and their Claims were greater than 1, instead increase that Participant’s Triumphs by 1 rather than by the full number of Claims.

For each Participant who has more than 1 Claim, reduce their Claims to 1. For each Participant who has, over the course of the dynasty, gained more than 1 Triumph via the conversion of Claims into Triumphs, reduce that Participant’s Triumphs by the number of Triumphs they gained that way.


Tying Triumphs to the anti-scam protections – the better you get at heists, the better you get at ignoring the restrictions.

This also adds a new anti-scam protection because it’s very easy to farm large numbers of Claims under the current ruleset, even without making use of Bounty Notices, and if someone does exploit that loophole before it’s closed it’ll turn Triumphs into fool’s gold and kind-of ruin the dynasty. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else had also figured out the loophole already and was just waiting for a victory condition in order to deploy it.


JonathanDark: he/him

20-01-2025 05:51:05 UTC

Doesn’t this cause a scaling ramp in achieving victory (assuming Triumphs will lead to a victory condition) where those who have already been successful will be able to be even more successful in the future?

I guess what I’m saying is that if you aren’t keeping up with the leaders, your ability to catch up is severely diminished and could lead to otherwise active players dropping out if the effort to stay competitive is too great.

ais523: Custodian

20-01-2025 06:03:06 UTC

Yes, but I’m expecting that to, in effect, be the victory condition – in effect, the idea is that the number of Triumphs you need to win depends on which anti-scam restrictions are preventing you from winning, so finding a more cunning path to victory means that you don’t have to do as well at the conventional gameplay and vice versa. Once the dynasty reaches the point where someone starts running away with things, I’m expecting it to end shortly afterwards, so this proposal is, in effect, declaring that point to the be the natural end of the dynasty.

The idea is to find a balance between conventional and scam-based gameplay where each benefits the other and a mix of both will be helpful. If not for this sort of scaling loosening of restrictions, you’d expect a victory to be entirely focused on one or the other – either someone finds a dynasty-ending scam that bypasses all the restrictions and the dynastic gamestate doesn’t, or else no such scam is found and the victory is based entirely on Triumphing. I think a victory where both matter is more interesting.

Josh: he/they

20-01-2025 08:32:04 UTC

against Too rich-get-richer for my tastes. In the first two heists my team has been shackled with rather unwinnable prospects - that would only need to extend one or two more heists to put the people on the wrong side of the screw permanently behind. In general I prefer poor-get-richer mechanics - you shouldnt have bifurcated the game into “can win” and “can’t win” streams by the midpoint, you should be funnelling people towards a competitive endgame.

ais523: Custodian

20-01-2025 08:39:00 UTC

@Josh: Is your issue with the entire principle, or that the numbers are too low? (As I said above, this isn’t intended so much as rich-get-richer, but as conventional-gameplay-helps-scam-wins.)

The Claims loophole does need fixing before we can work towards a victory condition, in any case.

SingularByte: he/him

20-01-2025 09:44:12 UTC

This is a difficult one to vote for. I do like the idea of it being the path to victory, but it is pretty much random chance which people end up in a team with the lion’s share of active players. It favours the lucky more than the skilled.

Josh: he/they

20-01-2025 11:04:28 UTC

More of an ideological objection I’m afraid - I think that if anything there should be more restrictions on Participants with more triumphs, a la Josh XX.

ais523: Custodian

20-01-2025 11:39:25 UTC

@Josh: Doesn’t that just make it a pure disadvantage to have Triumphs if you’re planning to use scams for any purpose during the dynasty? The only way that could be balanced would be if we ensured that Triumphs were totally secure from scams no matter what and that they were also definitely the victory condition for the dynasty; otherwise, it would be optimal play to stay on a low number of Triumphs to increase the chance that you could scam yourself an arbitrarily large number later and overtake the leaders.

My primary concern here is that Triumphs may become meaningless, causing activity in the dynasty to cease as players wait for a scam rather than trying to score normally, and then everyone gets bored and leaves. After all, it’s well-known that scams generally beat conventional play; the way this dynasty is set up, the chances that scams become determinative somehow is quite high, and so in order for the conventional play to be relevant, it needs to somehow give an advantage in scamming.

Josh: he/they

20-01-2025 14:00:27 UTC

Scams and conventional play exist in tension; scams strictly beat conventional play but are orthogonal to it. Making conventional play subservient to scams doesn’t solve that tension; it just means that conventional play is relegated to an aspect of scams, rather than a viable route in its own path. Players who want to win conventionally aren’t looking for their route to enable scams, they’re looking for their route to be viable.

Brendan: he/him

20-01-2025 14:22:24 UTC

against Bemused at the thought that carving out more exceptions in victory-relevant rules would make makes scams less available. Text injection being so available this dynasty seems to be drawing attention away from the fact that almost all scams are set up without it.


20-01-2025 15:04:40 UTC

for I like this. The dynasty will almost certainly end in some sort of scam anyway with the space of available actions being so large, so we may as well lean into it. To me, this produces a soft victory condition of ‘once you get however many triumphs it becomes significantly easier to win by scam’, and is more interesting than ‘when you get 10 triumphs you win’.

ais523: Custodian

20-01-2025 23:55:17 UTC

@Josh “Making conventional play subservient to scams doesn’t solve that tension; it just means that conventional play is relegated to an aspect of scams, rather than a viable route in its own path.”:

I guess the situation here is that this proposal greatly increases the chance that the dynasty will end due to a combination of conventional play and a scam, whereas without it, the dynasty will probably end due to either conventional play or a scam. I think seeing it as making conventional plays subservient to scams is missing half the point, because it also makes scams subservient to conventional play!

I think the ending in which both are involved is much more interesting in “either someone wins conventionally and scams don’t matter, or else someone finds a scam and conventional play doesn’t matter”. It’s something that hasn’t really been tried much at BlogNomic before now, and I think the game’s more enjoyable when you know what is relevant rather than the game turning into “guess which part of the dynasty doesn’t matter”.

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 04:05:43 UTC

I’d rather just have a shorter route to victory through getting a certain number of X (Triumphs or otherwise) than a ramp-up mechanism that basically discourages anyone other than the leader(s) from continuing to participate. Remember that a lot of this requires team play, and while cooperating on a team where only 1 member can ultimately achieve victory puts in a nice amount of tension, playing on team where one member is going to blow away any effort on the other members’ parts makes it un-fun.


Janet: she/her

21-01-2025 05:14:19 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

21-01-2025 14:04:12 UTC
