Thursday, January 25, 2007

Proposal: Brute force, directed at the slackers

Timed out (2-4)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 27 Jan 2007 13:24:32 UTC

This proposal, if adopted, will have the following effects:

Part 1:  The actions specified by this Part 1 will occur only once, simultaneously with the adoption of this proposal.
* All Olympians whose Attributes are exactly 2,2,2,2 are ejected from the Blognomic Team and, unless another Rule expressly requires or permits otherwise, those ejected Olympians will not be considered to be a part of any Team.
* All Olympians who have never signed up for any Event since the start of the current dynasty are ejected from the Blognomic Team.

Part 2: Add the following rule to the Ruleset:
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Rules, in any reference in the Rules to the “average” of a statistic held by Olympians (such as, for example, the average total attributes of the Olympians), any Olympians who are not members of the Blognomic Team will be excluded for the purposes of determining that average.

Part 3: The GNDT will be appropriately advised so as to indicate, with respect to each Olympian, whether or not that Olympian is a member of the Blognomic Team.

Since this proposal will presumably sit in the queue for a while before being enacted or failed, it is my hope that it will spur some of the relatively inactive Olympians to get off their duffs before the hammer drops.



Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

25-01-2007 16:12:25 UTC

against because there is no way for Olympians to rejoin the team.


25-01-2007 16:20:49 UTC

If they get bounced from the team and don’t like it, they can submit an appropriate proposal to have them reinstated.  This proposal would penalize certain people in some respects (if anybody still meets those conditions at the time this is adopted), but it doesn’t keep anyone from submitting or voting on proposals, or even from gaining or spending TP, signing up for or competing in Events, or being awarded Medals.


25-01-2007 16:42:38 UTC

An excellent proposal, I think.  My against vote is merely a matter of personal preference.  I think it’s okay for Olympians to have whatever gameplay agenda they choose (e.g. stalling on stat gains or rarely participating in events), provided only that they keep up with the voting.


25-01-2007 18:50:44 UTC



25-01-2007 19:20:35 UTC

against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  against  and many more.


25-01-2007 22:07:24 UTC

Tell us how you really feel, Aleth. 

(Why such a strong reaction?  As far as I know, this proposal wouldn’t penalize you.)


26-01-2007 04:05:12 UTC

I dunno, it just seems like it unfairly penalizes people who don’t have time to get on the web much. Events have to be signed up for and done at a specific time, so it can be hard to get them done. Also, it’s easy to forget about your attributes. Also, per Clucky, I don’t think we should permanently penalize anybody. Anyone, like a cheater or a slacker, should get a chance to get back on the team. That’s why I like Act of Contrition.


26-01-2007 22:56:42 UTC

for Most events you dont even have to be on when they occur, I dont think being one one time in any one week in the dynasty to sign up for an event is tooooo onerous.

If they are deliberatly playing with 2,2,2,2 as a stratergy or with no events as a stratergy, then can always propose a rule to create a new team.  Or to allow readmittance, I would be in favor of either, and it actually is no disadvantage for em with the stratergy they are trying since the only things they lose from not being on the team are the things they don’t want to do anyway.