Proposal: Budget Cuts
Timed out 7 votes to 1 with one DEF. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Jul 2020 14:28:29 UTC
Repeal the rules “Winner Medallions” and “High-Stakes Table”. Remove the bullet point staring with “If any Gamblers are visiting the High-Stakes” from Wagers.
Well, now that the wincon has been established, this seems even more vestigial than before. (Side note: how do you come up with good proposal names i still haven’t figured that out)
Kevan: he/him
This title’s fine: I think a title just has to be easily usable in a sentence talking about that proposal, particularly a few days after the event (“I would have won if it wasn’t for Budget Cuts!”). Too bland (“Rule Fix”) or too wild (“Aieeeee What?!”) and it’s harder to talk about the game we’re playing.
I still like the idea of the High Stakes table. Maybe we could change its payout to something else.