Monday, June 14, 2021

Proposal: Building bigger

Timed out 5 votes to 2 with the Emperor deferring to nothing. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jun 2021 18:02:55 UTC

In the rule or subrule “Unlife”, change

If a Vampire Lord’s Puissance is above 10


If a Vampire Lord’s Puissance is greater by 10 or more than that Vampire Lord’s Influence

Under the current rules, it’ll never be possible to build a room with a cost of 9 or more without dusting yourself. It makes sense to have some way to build more expensive rooms, at a lot of risk (you have to create a Sepulchre, and if it collapses you’ll have to spend your Puissance on a near-worthless action).


Josh: he/they

14-06-2021 18:04:13 UTC

Isn’t this redolent of rich-get-richer snowball potential?

ais523: Custodian

14-06-2021 18:09:24 UTC

It does snowball to some extent, but a) very slowly, b) Influence isn’t something you’re likely to be able to hold on forever so it’s more like “gain an advantage while you can”, and c) some amount of snowballiness in an interactive dynasty like this one is good because it gives some incentive to attack the leaders rather than just doing your own thing, and because it gives a reason to engage with the gameplay early on.

If you think that that’s an issue, though, feel free to vote it down.

Josh: he/they

14-06-2021 18:13:51 UTC

I’m not hostile to the proposal and your defense of it is solid.

I’m curious about influence, though: you say you expect it to fluctuate while I think I’m seeing it more as a VP analogy. Is there currently a way for it to go down, besides being dusted?

Clucky: he/him

14-06-2021 19:43:25 UTC

maybe just let people have more Influence by default?

Or maybe allow for partial construction of rooms? That way in order to get really fancy rooms you need multiple vampires working at once

Josh: he/they

14-06-2021 20:01:23 UTC

Room pools is a nice idea.

I do still feel like this is a stage 2 problem when stage 1 isn’t really in place, though, a bit like Richardo’s 6 Energy not being enough to get him anywhere: until people actually want to create rooms at all, worrying about people not being able to create big enough rooms feels like a solution to a problem we haven’t really encountered yet.

Clucky: he/him

14-06-2021 21:37:40 UTC

against as I ultimately think there are better, less snowbally, ways to fix the issue and I’d rather leave the issue present and in need of a fix, than to introduce this rich get richer mechanic and then it’ll be harder to remove

ais523: Custodian

14-06-2021 21:41:55 UTC

@Josh: Right now, Influence drops to 0 if Richardo enters your Sepulchre. It’s likely to be near-impossible to keep him out indefinitely, given all the random mechanics and abilities for players to reshape the dungeon.

I agree that it might be too early for something like this, though.

lemon: she/her

14-06-2021 22:07:21 UTC

yea influence should definitely not be VP

Clucky: he/him

14-06-2021 22:23:21 UTC

I think influence as VP is probably okay. you just don’t want VPs tied to stuff that makes it easier to get more VPs cause that leads to snowball effects

Josh: he/they

15-06-2021 07:47:58 UTC


Kevan: he/him

15-06-2021 09:08:51 UTC


Lulu: she/her

15-06-2021 17:13:49 UTC


Brendan: he/him

15-06-2021 17:14:00 UTC


lemon: she/her

15-06-2021 17:38:47 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

16-06-2021 06:07:04 UTC
