Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Proposal: Building blocks

Withdrawn. — Quirck

Adminned at 29 Dec 2022 15:04:48 UTC

In the rule Ruleset and Gamestate, change the second paragraph to read:

It comprises five Sections: 1) the “core rules” of BlogNomic, covering the essential elements of gameplay; 2) the rules of the current Dynasty; 3) rules which apply in special cases; 4) persistent mechanics that tend to be frequently re-used; and 5) the appendix, which complements and clarifies the Ruleset.

Add a new section to the ruleset, after Special Case and before Appendix, called Persistent Mechanics. At its top level, give it the following text:

The following are mechanics that are frequently used in BlogNomic. They do not switch on or off, like special case rules; they are considered to always be in effect, but unless they are specifically called out by name or keyword in a dynastic rule, they are not in use in the current dynasty. In the specifics of their application, they have lower prioritisation than any dynastic rule.

Add the following as a new rule to that section, called Inventory and Items:

Each Explorer has an Inventory, which is publicly tracked. Items are game objects that can be held by an Explorer in their Inventory. When an Explorer has an Item in their Inventory, they may be said to be holding it, carrying it, to own it or to possess it.

When an Explorer ceases to own, hold, carry or possess an Item, it is no longer in their Inventory.

Items may have Held Effects, which are persistently in play when the Item is held, or Use Effects, which are triggered when the Item is used as defined by the dynastic rules.

Add the following as a new rule to that section, called Traitor:

Any Explorer who has a role that is defined as being a Traitor is under no obligation to honor any informal promises they have made with other Explorers, nor to tell the truth to them, and is encouraged to lie to and betray other Explorers in order to achieve any possible advantage. An Explorer is under no obligation to honor any informal promises they made while they were a Traitor, regardless of whether they still have that role, but if they break such a promise while not in a Traitor role they should disclose that they were a Traitor when they made it.

Change the third paragraph of the rule Possession to read “When an Explorer is Possessed by Katastrophe then they are a Traitor.”

A first initial pass at this, which I expect to fail but wanted to kick around a little.

There are certain mechanics - inventories, maps, NPCs, traitors - that we keep coming back to, and sometimes we get the wording right and sometimes we don’t. I think it might be worth a little ruleset real estate to establish some best-practice wording for common mechanics that can be simply invoked when needed.


JonathanDark: he/him

27-12-2022 16:44:39 UTC

Two things, both regarding Inventory and Items:

“Each Explorer has an Inventory, which is publicly tracked”: should “publicly tracked” be canonized like this? Admittedly, this is probably how the majority of the dynasties with inventories have played out, but I’d hate to exclude the possibility of private inventories, or even a mix of public and private depending on Item.

“possess and Item”: Small nit, should be “possess an Item”

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

27-12-2022 16:53:39 UTC

Does this need to be tagged [core]?

quirck: he/him

27-12-2022 16:56:56 UTC

Why can’t these rules go into Special Case rules?

SingularByte: he/him

27-12-2022 17:00:31 UTC

I like the idea of this, but I could also see it working as a wiki page specifically for common rule templates. It could be linked as part of the new player guide too.

Josh: he/they

27-12-2022 17:28:32 UTC

@JD The purpose of this is to represent a common minimum, but the rule is careful to allow them to be overriden by dynastic rules; a dynastic rule which said “players have a privately tracked inventory” would win out over this text.

Thanks for the typo, have corrected.

@TDS No, review the rule on Tagging.

@Quirck The fiddly on-off nature of the special case rules bothers me; these are intentionally always on.

@SB Historically we have resisted an impulse to have non-ruleset documents carry ruletext, and the point of this is to be very low-drag for future players - to be able to just use the word “inventory” without ever having to define it/


27-12-2022 19:54:04 UTC

X. No reason to have this be part of a ruleset as opposed to a non-gamestate mechanics library.


27-12-2022 21:21:28 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

28-12-2022 08:36:06 UTC

I think edits to the Core rules need [Core]?  against but is willing to tick as I think this *should* have been a short cut

Chiiika: she/her

28-12-2022 08:37:16 UTC

also “to possess it” might be a problem w/ possess being a big thing here; but idk about the ramifications or if it is a problem

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 09:10:34 UTC

@Chiiika - No - check the bullet points at the bottom of the rule Tags.

SingularByte: he/him

28-12-2022 10:04:15 UTC

I do worry about the rules always being active. We’d either need a section added to the fair play rule to say you can’t scam them (which feels iffy since they’re so close to being normal dynastic rules), or we’d have to risk unrelated dynasties being wrecked by a scam in a rule they aren’t even using.

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 10:13:39 UTC

Yeah, it may be that this isn’t workable; the idea is to have this section contain wording that we know is good, but there’s always room for motivated reading. I guess it boils down to how confident we are that we can write iron-clad mechanical descriptions for this stuff; if we can’t then it’s not worth doing.

Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 12:13:28 UTC

against The space between the two stools of Keywords and Special Case doesn’t seem that fruitful. Traitor and Inventory/Carry/Hold certainly read like Keywords here, and Item Effects would be more effective as a Special Case that was always usable out of the box (where writing “the Axe is an Item with a Use Effect of destroying a Door” would be enough to just work) and shelvable when not wanted. Under this proposal, there’s still plenty of scope for us to make all the classic mistakes when defining how Items are actually used.

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 13:24:19 UTC

Fair enough, withdrawn.  against