Monday, March 17, 2025

Proposal: [Building Blocks] Only FOR votes prevent edits

Change the Building Blocks rule “Edit Window” to read as follows:

Recommended: An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Seeker has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) there are no valid FOR votes on it. This rule is superseded by the rule “Protected Edit Window”, if it exists.

Make the same change on the Building Blocks wiki page.

I haven’t had much time for BlogNomic recently, and when checking proposals that might need my input, I missed that “Personal clocks” was still in edit window when I made a comment on it that contained a voting icon (the alternative would have been to delay voting until now – I didn’t visit BlogNomic in between). There’s no actual reason for AGAINST or unresolved-DEFERENTIAL votes to block editing – the primary reason to close the edit window is to stop people getting arbitrary text into the rules via editing a proposal that already has a number of FOR votes, and AGAINST and unresolved-DEFERENTIAL votes can’t be scammed that way. Meanwhile, allowing such votes to not close the window reduces the accidental damage that a hurried player can cause by mistake.


JonathanDark: he/him

17-03-2025 21:40:35 UTC

You’ll want to change it on the Building Blocks wiki page too, otherwise this issue will come right back in the next dynasty that uses it. The blocks are copied from that page to the ruleset every dynasty.

ais523: Custodian

17-03-2025 21:50:02 UTC

Thanks for the reminder – I usually remember that step but haven’t been very with it recently. I’ve edited it.

Kevan: he/him

17-03-2025 22:17:30 UTC

Another big reason for the lock is that it keeps the voting discussion readable. Because people generally shift to voting as soon as the window closes, it’s easy to read the comments in two chunks: everything before the first voting icon is potentially referring to earlier drafts, but everything including and after that icon is definitely referring to the current text. Having to mentally divide the latter into votes cast before and after four hours will make it harder to parse what voters have been talking about.

Seems like you’d still want the protection on DEFs, either way, since they may become FORs. If a proposal gets a mild and early “well balanced but a lot of Emperor work, DEF” vote, the proposer might get away with editing it to be less balanced, now that the vote is recorded.

(On overlooking the edit window, the yellow warning banner now starting with a big, mild “If…” can’t be helping here. Can we not just comment this box out if/when an Emperor ever decides that they don’t want an edit window?)

Josh: he/they

17-03-2025 22:34:38 UTC

I agree with Kevan’s general point that the simpler prohibition is stronger, and think that clarity of imparting the instruction to newer players should take precedence.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-03-2025 23:29:21 UTC

I also agree with Kevan’s point. Let’s keep it simple.

I’ll revert the PHP for the yellow warning banner, and just stay on top of commenting it out when the Edit Window is not enabled.


18-03-2025 01:38:57 UTC

against per Kevan

Raven1207: he/they

18-03-2025 01:54:27 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

18-03-2025 01:55:19 UTC

against also per Kevan

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