Proposal: Bulk Discounts
Failed, 8-1. Josh
Adminned at 27 Dec 2010 02:12:39 UTC
In rule 2.2 Currency replace
Some bricks are marked as assorted. If a mini figure chooses to buy an assorted brick, he may choose to only pay 80% (rounded up) of the value. He may not specify a color if he does this, instead after purchasing the brick he must role a DICEN where N is the number of colors available for that brick. The color of brick will be the result of the dice rule used as an index to the list of available colors, sorted alphabetically. (So if the colors are Red, Blue and Green a DICE3 is rolled and 2 would make the result Green).
Some bricks are marked as assorted. If a mini figure chooses to buy an assorted brick, or a group of assorted bricks of the same type and dimensions, he may choose to only pay 80% (rounded up) of the value. He may not specify a color if he does this, instead after purchasing the bricks he must role a DICEN for each brick where N is the number of colors available for that brick. The color of brick will be the result of the dice rule used as an index to the list of available colors, sorted alphabetically. (So if the colors are Red, Blue and Green a DICE3 is rolled and 2 would make the result Green).
Josh: he/they