Proposal: Bulletproof Werewolf Test
s/k, failed by aaronwinborn
Adminned at 06 Nov 2007 07:57:49 UTC
[ A spiritual reproposal of Say Hello To My Little Friend, but with different mechanics. ]
Add a new subrule of “Items”, called “Guns and Bullets”:-
Any living Villager who has a Gun may attempt to shoot any other Villager (their “Quarry”) by privately announcing this intention to the Mayor, and specifying the ammunition they are using (lead or silver). A gunman can only use silver ammunition if they have a Silver Bullet in their possession.
Within 48 hours of receiving such an intention, the Mayor should determine the results of the shooting as follows:-
- If the Quarry is currently the Patient of the Doctor, then the Quarry is wounded, but the Doctor is able to save them. The Quarry shall be privately informed of the gunman’s identity, and the Mayor shall post a blog entry announcing that a gunshot has been heard.
- If the Quarry is a Werewolf and the gun was loaded with lead ammunition, then the Quarry is wounded but escapes. The Quarry shall be privately informed of the gunman’s identity, and the Mayor shall post a blog entry announcing that a gunshot has been heard.
- In all other cases, the Quarry is killed without noticing their assailant. The Mayor shall post a blog entry announcing the death.
If a Silver Bullet was used in the shooting, a single Silver Bullet shall then be removed from the gunman’s inventory.
To the rule “Religious Occupations”, add:-
Villagers with Religious Occupations may not fire guns.
Since there’s no frequency limit, someone with a gun and a few Silver Bullets could win simply by shooting everyone else with Lead, and then shooting all the survivers with Silver. Similarly, a werewolf could win by shooting everyone with lead over a very short time interval.
(The only exception happens if the Doctor is targeting himself.)