Thursday, October 27, 2011

Proposal: Business

Can not be Enacted without a CoV. ~~Chronos Phaenon

Adminned at 29 Oct 2011 10:23:15 UTC

If the proposal “Employment” failed, this proposal does nothing.

Create a rule called “Business”:

When a Free Agent is currently Employing at least 2 other Players, they may spend X of their own SP to create a Business of a type they meet the prerequisites for, where X is the Cost of Creation of the chosen type. They then become the CEO of the newly created Business. The CEO must pick a unique name for the Business and a unique abbreviation.

All Businesses currently in existence are tracked on the “Businesses” wiki page. All businesses must have a name, a 1-3 symbol abbreviation (which cannot contain numbers), a CEO and a type. If the CEO is anything but the name of an active Player or if the CEO is not Employing any Players, the business ceases to exist.

Create a subrule of Business called “Types of Business”.

Create a subrule of “Types of Business” called “Local Business”:

Local Business
Cost of Creation: 2 SP
Prerequisites: None.
The CEO of a Local Business may, as a weekly action, increase their SP by an amount equal to half the number of Players they are Employing. Any Players hired by the CEO in the last 72 hours (including by the use of the subrule “Personnel Transfer”) are ignored for the purposes of this action.

Create a subrule of “Types of Business” called “Media”:

Cost of Creation: 5 SP
Prerequisites: Creator must have had one of their own proposals enacted within the last 24 hours.
The CEO of a Media may, at any time, spend 1 SP to Advocate a vote on a dynastic proposal. An Advocated vote is denoted by including “( arrow X)” in a comment for a proposal where X is the desired voting icon. When tallying the votes for that proposal, if any deferential votes exist then one of them is removed and the Advocated vote is added. If two or more Advocated votes exist in a single proposal, all Advocated votes are instead ignored.

Create a subrule of Employment called “Personnel transfer”:

If a Player Employs a second Player, and that second Player is currently Employing other Players, the Employment field of all Players Employed by the second Player changes to the first Player.

When this proposal is enacted, the “Businesses” wiki page must be blanked.

If this doesn’t have a dozen mistakes or ambiguities, I’ll be surprised.



27-10-2011 17:23:35 UTC

No please not the stock market again. :)
I’d like it if this was the first.
But again I do not like everything being so static, and this makes things worse.
We build our empire, more and more people get excluded by the game, end up 10 active players, of which maybe 5 have a real chance. I’ve seen this before, and never enjoyed it much, and I’ve been on both sides of it.


27-10-2011 17:31:53 UTC

against I think we’re piling on too many voting-related changes; I like them, but this seems too similar to other ones that have been proposed.


27-10-2011 18:07:47 UTC

against No corporations please

Clucky: he/him

27-10-2011 18:18:33 UTC

against Currently under Amni’s rule it is possible to employ your employeer. Your “Personnel transfer” is undefined in that state.


27-10-2011 18:19:14 UTC

against per Clucky

arthexis: he/him

27-10-2011 18:30:05 UTC

I would like to see something like the personal transfer bit fixed and reproposed again as it’s own rule.


27-10-2011 19:58:29 UTC



27-10-2011 21:22:34 UTC

for creating an SP source, but imperial this thing because meh.


27-10-2011 21:49:50 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

27-10-2011 22:04:08 UTC

against Businesses

But I like the transitive property of employement.


27-10-2011 22:11:53 UTC



27-10-2011 22:30:15 UTC



27-10-2011 23:15:41 UTC


Darknight: he/him

27-10-2011 23:59:11 UTC



28-10-2011 03:10:26 UTC



28-10-2011 04:40:38 UTC

against I don’t like the personnel transfer part of it.

Kevan: he/him

28-10-2011 08:35:23 UTC



28-10-2011 10:51:46 UTC


Prince Anduril:

28-10-2011 11:56:25 UTC



28-10-2011 18:42:02 UTC


redtara: they/them

28-10-2011 21:25:12 UTC

against per coppro.


28-10-2011 23:19:31 UTC

against per zuff.

Things feel like 99% proposals to tinker with the MD theme and 1% actual gameplay within said theme. Is that typical?


28-10-2011 23:36:38 UTC



29-10-2011 06:00:28 UTC

i personally love this idea but imperial because the media seems kind of pointless.

Elias IX:

29-10-2011 09:19:17 UTC
