Proposal: But they can DANCE!
Quorum reached at 9 to 1—Clucky
Adminned at 01 Aug 2007 15:02:19 UTC
Add a Dynastic Rule called ‘Doing the Dance’ which contains the following text
The Dance consists of a set of moves, contributed by the monkeys. The current dance is outlined on the ‘Monkey Dynasty Gamestate Documents’ of the wiki page. There should be one section on that wiki page for each active monkey. There is a stat in the GNDT called ‘Dance Moves’, which is five by default except for the Top Banana who starts with ten dance moves. Each monkey may add up to N moves to their section of the dance, where in is N is their number of dance moves. Only moves outlined within this rule may be added to the dance. If a word in one of the outlined moves is produced by ‘n_’ it may be replaced by any positive integer number when being added to a section of the dance. When doing so, the same word should be replaced by the same value. (So ‘n_A n_B n_A’ could be replaced by ‘3 7 3’ or ‘3 3 3’ but not ‘3 3 7’) The same move may be added to the same section of the dance more than once.
If no other monkey has done so within the last forty eight hours, and the monkey doing so has not updated their section of the dance within the last six hours, then a monkey may conduct the dance. To do so, e randomly puts all of the active monkeys into a list. (This list is different than the monkey line). E then takes the first monkey on that list and follows each of the dance moves for that monkeys section, in order. After each dance move, e makes sure there are no unbalances in the monkey line. If the monkey has more moves in eir section of the dance than dance moves, only the first N moves are followed where in is that monkey’s number of dance moves. After conducting all of the moves for the first monkey, the monkey conducting the dance proceeds to the next monkey in line, following the same steps as outlined above. E continues to do this until the dance section for every monkey has been executed.
The following dance moves may be included in the dance:
If the proposal titled ‘Line Dance’ has been passed, add the following text to the end of this rule
*Swap the monkey in position n_A with the monkey in position n_B.
*Move the monkey in last position to the top of the list, pushing every other monkey down one.
*If the monkey in the first position does not have the most dance moves(tied for the most is acceptable), increase that monkey’s dance moves by one.
If the proposals titled ‘Code Monkey Likes Fritos’ and ‘Line Dance’ have been passed, add the following text to the end of this rule
*If the monkey in position n_A has any Bags of Fritos, give one of them to the monkey in front of him. If there is no monkey in from of him, reduce the their Bags of Fritos by one anyways.
If the proposals titled ‘Line Dance’ and ‘Monkeys got Bananas’ have been passed, add the following text to the end of this rule
*Give each monkey N – X bananas where N is the number of monkeys and X is each monkey’s place in line
*Give the monkey in the front of the line five bananas
If the proposals titled ‘Monkeys got Bananas’ and ‘Code Monkey Likes Fritos’ have both been passed, add the following text to the end of this rule
*For each monkey that has any Bags of Fritos, reduce eir bags of Fritos by one and give eim three bananas
This replaces the whole code idea I had going earlier. Plus, dancing monkeys makes the monkey line make more sense. Code monkeys would have made it a monkey array!