Monday, December 08, 2014

Can I Join?





09-12-2014 04:04:34 UTC

Yes, you can!  According to rule 1.2, “Any human may apply to join BlogNomic (if they are not already playing) by… making a post making clear their wish to be a Shuttle.”


09-12-2014 08:08:51 UTC

I would say this is a pretty clear indication Bucky


09-12-2014 16:06:40 UTC

...Bucky lol I don’t know if that was trolling or not


09-12-2014 19:00:23 UTC

Pedantry is, unfortunately, part of the job description for an admin.


09-12-2014 23:56:39 UTC

Haha well, you’ve got a point that he hasn’t actually said he wants to join; just asked if he could.


10-12-2014 18:46:12 UTC

ayesdeeef is right.

Kevan: he/him

10-12-2014 18:51:54 UTC

Player added, I’ll PM you your GNDT password. Quorum remains 9.


11-12-2014 02:21:14 UTC

Quorum is 9 now. Good luck passing Proposals with Conservative Laoding in da’ house.

Kevan: he/him

11-12-2014 08:47:21 UTC

... By which I mean 5.