Proposal: Can we fix it this time?
Times Out and Passes 2-1-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 24 Mar 2013 08:33:26 UTC
Rewrite the rule “Space Stations†by replacing the text
If you pay the refueling fee you may increase your energy by five and decrease the space stations energy by 1.
wherever it appears with the text, with the following text
To Refuel, a Captain must transfer the Resources named in the Refueling Cost associated with a Space Station to the Captain who controls that Space Station, increase their Energy by 5, and decrease the Space Station’s Energy by 1. No Captain may Refuel at a Space Station whose owner has not specified a Refueling Cost or if Refueling would reduce the Space Station’s Energy below 0. A captain with the ship class “space station†can not gain energy by refueling.