Proposal: Can’t Find A Good Bounty Hunter These Days
Set the status of all Open Bounty Notices to Failed.
Repeal the rule “Bounties (Heists) {M}” and its subrule “Bounty Payout {I}”.
Nobody has been able to come up with a Bounty to satisfy Ais’ requirements, and Bounties are currently broken anyway due to being Heisted, with the phrase “ If a Mastermind credit” making it hard to reward anyone. As an alternative to scrapping Bounties, I’ll make another Proposal that fixes this and offers a possible solution to the Bounty Notice, if people still want to keep Bounties around.
ais523: Mastermind
FWIW, I’m planning to close the current bounty soon, and the rule is not broken (just grammatically incorrect, but I don’t think that stops it working). I haven’t closed it yet because I was a) waiting to see the reaction to the latest batch of proposals, and b) wondering whether someone would propose a conventional win condition.