Sunday, August 13, 2023

Proposal: Can’t Reinitialise Your Way Out Of This One

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 Aug 2023 18:19:21 UTC

In the rule “Into the Storm”, change the last bullet point to:

* If the Special Case rules called Dormancy and Reinitialisation exist and are Active, the City or any District may set them to Inactive.


Josh: he/they

13-08-2023 10:09:19 UTC


lemon: she/her

13-08-2023 12:04:48 UTC


Kevan: he/him

13-08-2023 12:17:30 UTC

for Although bear in mind that reinitialising players are functionally identical to new/unidling ones, who are (unless I’m overlooking an exception) still allowed to join with default stats during the Storm.