Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Proposal: Can’t stop the sunrise

Times out 14-2. -Ornithopter

Adminned at 28 Jan 2010 13:17:54 UTC

Create a new rule entitled “The Reading of the Will” which reads:

For the purposes of this rule, Guests who are Dead or Arrested have 1000 added to their degree of relation.

If at any time only one Guest is not Dead or Arrested, they become Heir. If there is more than one Guest who is not Dead or Arrested after midnight on March 1st, 2010 the Executor shall make a post at his earliest convenience declaring the Guest who has the lowest degree of relation to be the Heir. As long as a Guest is the Heir they have achieved victory, but they may refuse their inheritance by saying they do so in a post or by failing to make a Declaration of Victory within 96 hours of becoming Heir. When an Heir refuses their inheritance or becomes Dead or Arrested, they cease to be Heir, and the Executor shall make a post declaring the Guest who has the lowest degree of relation among the Guests who have not previously refused their inheritance to be the new Heir.

Adding 1000 to the DoR of dead/arrested guests means that if no living, unarrested guest declares victory, the closest related of the dead/arrested guests is now heir. March 1st seemed far enough away to let the dynasty play out interestingly. It can always be moved closer or further back by proposal.



26-01-2010 21:23:05 UTC



26-01-2010 21:29:02 UTC

for , but there’s this nice already-defined term called “next of kin”. Also, I’d like it if it’s just “heir wins”; if they don’t want to win they can always pass the mantle.


26-01-2010 21:45:55 UTC

Ah, so there is. Well, if this fails I’ll use that when I repropose. Do you mind elaborating on your second sentence a bit? I’m not sure what you mean.


26-01-2010 22:06:55 UTC



26-01-2010 22:30:05 UTC

@Ornithopter: The proposal as it is makes it so that they can “refuse their inheritance”; they can already just pass the mantle.


26-01-2010 22:56:14 UTC

for Kill all people expect me! *harr*


26-01-2010 23:36:36 UTC


redtara: they/them

27-01-2010 00:14:10 UTC


Darknight: he/him

27-01-2010 00:17:19 UTC



27-01-2010 01:38:35 UTC

Darth: Only the Heir has achieved victory, and only one person is Heir at a time. In what way other than the one provided by this proposal can they “pass the mantle”? All that comes to mind is suicide or handing yourself over to the police, neither of which can be done under the current rules.


27-01-2010 01:48:51 UTC


From rule 1.9:

When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Guest who made the DoV as its Executor. (That Guest may pass this role to another Guest at this point, if he wishes.)

That’s what “passing the mantle” usually means within BlogNomic.


27-01-2010 02:11:19 UTC

The sigh was unnecessary, Darth. Don’t be an ass. I was confused because I didn’t know a term that isn’t in the ruleset. You told me what it means, and now I know. Problem solved.

Passing the mantle means picking the new Emperor. Refusing your inheritance only means that you don’t want to be Emperor. I think there’s room for both options.


27-01-2010 03:36:13 UTC

it used to be in the ruleset, ornithopter.  Got cut sometime recently-ish, so that I, for instance, didn’t know it wasn’t there anymore.

for I was thinking of proposing somethign like this, tho i think that being arrested is less disqualifying than being dead.


27-01-2010 03:52:38 UTC



27-01-2010 04:15:20 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-01-2010 09:00:49 UTC


ais523: Custodian

27-01-2010 11:52:35 UTC

for @Excalabur: murdering someone legally makes it impossible to inherit from them, at least in the UK (regardless of the contents of the will), IIRC. My only objection to this VC is that March 1 wasn’t defined to be Christmas.


27-01-2010 15:00:44 UTC



27-01-2010 16:09:47 UTC



27-01-2010 16:15:21 UTC



28-01-2010 19:27:49 UTC
