Proposal: Captain Overboard
Reached quorum, 11-0. Josh
Adminned at 17 Oct 2022 15:46:40 UTC
In the rule “Fun and Games”, replace
Only the Captain of an Activity may end that Activity, and only when the Activity is Over as defined by the Rules of the Game of the Activity.
The Captain of an Activity may end that Activity, but only when the Activity is Over as defined by the Rules of the Game of the Activity. The Host may end the Activity under the same circumstances, and should do so before resolving the party. If the Party ceases to be Ongoing before the Activity is Over, the Activity ends without a winner. An activity cannot end except by one of the causes from this paragraph or by CfJ.
Let’s keep Activities contained to their Party of origin.
lendunistus: he/him
wanted to include this in my upcoming Pogs game proposal, but thanks