Proposal: Carpe Sinciput
Times out 5-0. Enacted by pokes.
Adminned at 19 Jul 2017 20:51:30 UTC
In “Pact Magic”, replace “Any Pactmaker can (and should, unless there already is one of these for the case) raise a Magic Backlash Official Post.” with:-
If a Pactmaker believes that another Pactmaker’s action has broken a Promise, and if that action has not already been the subject of a Magic Backlash or a Mea Culpa, they may raise a Magic Backlash Official Post about it.
Then add to that rule:-
If a Pactmaker posts a comment of “Mea Culpa” in relation to an action they have taken which they believe breaks one of their own Promises, then that Pactmaker immediately acquires Extreme Seizures with regard to that Promise and action.
Saving some time when a Promise-breaker doesn’t dispute their own behaviour.
this was my intent for the “Cracking” thing (and given your comment on it, I believe you didn’t catch the idea. Illustrates that it wasn’t written as well as I’d hoped) but this has better wording for it.