Proposal: Cash Flow Problems
Timed out 8-0.—Yoda
Adminned at 11 May 2011 13:12:50 UTC
Change the text of “Currency” to the following:
All Investors have a Currency value measured in Credits which may hold any integer value larger than or equal to -1000 and is tracked in the GNDT. New Investors start with 1,000 Credits. Investors with negative Currency are said to be In Debt. Investors with less than -500 Credits are said to be Bankrupt (and are In Debt as well). No Investor may take any action that involves decreasing their Currency if they are Bankrupt, or if that action would cause them to become Bankrupt.
As a weekly action, only if no Investor has done so that week and only if at least one Investor has negative Currency, any Investor may multiply the Currency of each Investor who is In Debt by 1.10.
In the first rule called “Restrictions”, change ‘Z * (Y+1)’ to ‘Z * (Y+1) - 500’
Gives everyone some more cash to play with at a significant risk, and might lead to more Shares trading hands. This only applies to Sell Orders for now, so that you can’t drive fellow Investors into deep debt by executing their buy orders (because some Investors still have buy orders up for way more than they have). You can still get screwed by a startup, but only if you pledge more money than you have.
Also, note that this gives each Investor who hasn’t spent anything yet precisely enough to start up their own Corporation, should they wish to.
Roujo: he/him