Saturday, July 11, 2020

Proposal: Cashing out [Victory]

Timed out 1 vote to 5 with 1 DEF. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 Jul 2020 10:15:57 UTC

Add a new rule titled “Victory”:

A Gambler’s Cash-out Value is their Points, plus MEDALVALUE per Winner Medallion, plus 8 times their Annoyingness, plus PLAQUEVALUE per Plaque. The Gambler with the highest Cash-out Value, breaking ties by Points, has achieved victory.

The rule “The Switch” may not be repealed by an Ascension Address. (However, dynastic terms in it are changed, and this rule may be repealed by Ascension Address.)

Replace MEDALVALUE in this rule with the roll of a DICE60, and PLAQUEVALUE with the roll of a DICE120.

Remove the second paragraph of Winner Medallions.


Kevan: he/him

11-07-2020 11:04:55 UTC

against As this creates and resolves an immediate Pokes/Jumble face-off with no time for any game actions (Jumble wins if PLAQUEVALUE is 1-69, Pokes wins if it’s 70-120), and I am neither of those players.

Tantusar: he/they

11-07-2020 11:16:22 UTC


Darknight: he/him

11-07-2020 13:13:11 UTC


Josh: he/they

11-07-2020 13:48:11 UTC



11-07-2020 20:46:28 UTC

Kevan: For one, you can gamble on cashing in winner medallions, or stealing points.

What is a victory condition that you would like that doesn’t end in Jumble winning in most circumstances? They have more points than you, a plaque, and the same bet, meaning Jumble could always match your bet and end up with at least as many points.

For everyone else: if this isn’t a satisfying end, what is it that we want out of the rest of the dynasty?

Kevan: he/him

11-07-2020 21:19:25 UTC

That gamble is also on you not self-killing this proposal, as soon as I’ve done that.

In a vacuum (I’ve still no idea what the Wordpress dynasty is doing, or planning to do next) I’d be happy to see a few more spins and room for a few more of us to potentially win the round. It’s always sad to see a dynasty end with silence, and with victory going to a random or loud player.

FamilyMan: he/him

11-07-2020 23:40:23 UTC


Lulu: she/her

12-07-2020 03:49:21 UTC

imperial ehhhhh