Proposal: Catch 22
General consensus says that the General’s Orders are getting ridiculous, and sometimes democracy in a military hierarchy comes down to the fact the grunts at the bottom after the only ones holding rifles and machineguns. The General’s influence is dwindling… could something dramatic be around the corner?
Reporting, Devenger.
(Timed out after 48 hours, 8-3-2.)
Adminned at 27 Feb 2009 15:32:12 UTC
[ Was about to idle myself, but hey, this is Nomic, I might as well try repealing the reason I was idling in case a silent majority actually feel the same. Having to keep track of complicated and borderline-contradictory orders has its place, but I’m not finding it much fun in the context of an ongoing, daily background game. And I get enough of it at work. ]
Repeal Rule 2.7.4 (General’s Orders) and Rule (Following Orders).
Amnistar: he/him