Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Proposal: Catch 22

General consensus says that the General’s Orders are getting ridiculous, and sometimes democracy in a military hierarchy comes down to the fact the grunts at the bottom after the only ones holding rifles and machineguns. The General’s influence is dwindling… could something dramatic be around the corner?

Reporting, Devenger.

(Timed out after 48 hours, 8-3-2.)

Adminned at 27 Feb 2009 15:32:12 UTC

[ Was about to idle myself, but hey, this is Nomic, I might as well try repealing the reason I was idling in case a silent majority actually feel the same. Having to keep track of complicated and borderline-contradictory orders has its place, but I’m not finding it much fun in the context of an ongoing, daily background game. And I get enough of it at work. ]

Repeal Rule 2.7.4 (General’s Orders) and Rule (Following Orders).


Amnistar: he/him

25-02-2009 21:41:04 UTC

imperial If people aren’t enjoying it that’s fine, it’s pretty much the central idea to the dynasty though, so if people aren’t liking it the theme will shift :P.


25-02-2009 21:41:37 UTC

I agree, but I guess if this does not pass, it isn’t too bad too have low loyalty. Practically everyone has broken his rules!
for  arrow


25-02-2009 21:41:56 UTC


Kevan: he/him

25-02-2009 22:53:03 UTC

If it’s the main theme, that’s fine, and in the grand tradition of the Paranoia RPG; I just haven’t got the energy to keep on top of it all, right now.

Amnistar: he/him

25-02-2009 22:59:27 UTC

yea, that’s kinda the idea I was shooting for, something along the ideas of Pandora, with the evntual end result being the general’s death and combat rules being reworded to have high loyalty vs. low loyalty, in an epic clash.

Amnistar: he/him

25-02-2009 22:59:44 UTC

..Pandor=Paranoia in my mind…


25-02-2009 23:55:06 UTC

Well, if Amni’s gonna vote imperial, then I might as well vote for. There’s nothing wrong with the dynasty, though; we just need to keep it simple.

Clucky: he/him

26-02-2009 00:03:34 UTC


I personally like it.

arthexis: he/him

26-02-2009 00:06:37 UTC


arthexis: he/him

26-02-2009 00:06:54 UTC

Wait I actually meant to vote for CoV, sorry.


26-02-2009 00:10:49 UTC



26-02-2009 00:24:57 UTC

for  I think we should repeal the loyalty system entirely.

Darknight: he/him

26-02-2009 00:26:09 UTC

imperial either ways fine by me


26-02-2009 01:22:29 UTC



26-02-2009 01:46:28 UTC


ais523: Custodian

26-02-2009 11:03:42 UTC

against Keeping track of multiple contradictory orders is the sort of thing I personally enjoy. Besides, it is at least realistic…


26-02-2009 16:11:56 UTC

against I enjoy this…


26-02-2009 22:04:02 UTC

I’d rather keep Kevan around than keep these order thingies.

Kevan: he/him

26-02-2009 22:06:21 UTC

I’d be back for the next dynasty, don’t mind me.