Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Proposal: Catch-up 2

Timed out at 11 For, 4 against -SingularByte

Adminned at 22 May 2009 01:31:30 UTC

Add the following sentence to the end of the rule “In or Out?”:

When an Outsider becomes an Insider, they add 1 to their Fame.

Reproposing Yuri’s proposal


Kevan: he/him

20-05-2009 08:55:18 UTC

against Given that you need both a quorum of votes to leave and a quorum to come back, a player who can achieve both of those (which might only require the assistance of a handful of accomplices) can move back and forth indefinitely, accruing infinite Fame.

redtara: they/them

20-05-2009 10:47:20 UTC


redtara: they/them

20-05-2009 11:25:11 UTC

I never thought of that, Kevan. Maybe we could add something that says that a Contestant may not become an Insider more than twice per 48 hr period or something.
For now thoug, my vote remains for


20-05-2009 13:57:11 UTC

against If this is allowed to pass, we may not have time to pass a fix proposal.


20-05-2009 14:06:06 UTC

for COV

Changing your vote is a daily action, even if that contestant is an outsider.  Changing your support is a weekly action, unless the contestant you are currently supporting is an outsider, at which point you can change it to any insider without using your weekly action.

This, combined with the fact that you cannot have your Vote and Support be the same constestant, would make it very hard to coordinate getting even 1 fame from this, much less infinite fame.


20-05-2009 14:14:39 UTC

against as per Kevan


20-05-2009 14:31:35 UTC


Kevan: he/him

20-05-2009 15:08:50 UTC

Oh, I forgot that Vote and Support couldn’t be the same person. That’s enough for it not to be a problem, then.

CoV: for

ais523: Custodian

20-05-2009 15:10:39 UTC

@Yoda: what if a quorum of insiders both vote for and support the same contestant? Then there’d be no changing necessary, you could just go back and forward forever.

Kevan: he/him

20-05-2009 15:18:38 UTC

That was probably a simulpost, but the fact that you can’t oppose and support the same contestant means that we can’t ever have a quorum both supporting and opposing the same person.

ais523: Custodian

20-05-2009 15:28:53 UTC

@Kevan: yes, crossed messages. Which limits the gain to the number of weekly actions a quorum of contestants have between them; probably too low to be worth worrying about, given that that many players working together could do anything they wanted via CFJ. And later on, when we have fewer Insiders, the number of weekly actions available (is there a way to do it on dailies, I wonder?) is likely to be low enough that the scam isn’t worth much.


20-05-2009 16:05:18 UTC

for CoV


20-05-2009 16:15:06 UTC


arthexis: he/him

20-05-2009 18:17:14 UTC

for I think the Fame reward should be higher, though.


20-05-2009 18:37:17 UTC


ais523: Custodian

20-05-2009 19:27:14 UTC

for Coming back in is one of those twists that reality TV shows always seem to overuse. Presumably, because it gets them ratings…


20-05-2009 20:23:03 UTC



20-05-2009 21:01:02 UTC

1: Cliche
2: I want to propose somthing that this could mess up.

Darknight: he/him

20-05-2009 22:00:31 UTC



21-05-2009 04:06:54 UTC



21-05-2009 07:15:07 UTC



21-05-2009 13:51:13 UTC

Wak: The Insiders could use this strategically to keep the Outsiders from rebelling.


22-05-2009 03:30:36 UTC

Also, Wak: Why did you mention me?