Friday, September 13, 2024

Proposal: Cellular Plains

Adminned at 14 Sep 2024 18:03:11 UTC

In the rule “The Game Board”, remove
“Each Cell can be a Bonus Cell. Bonus Cells are publicly tracked with a gold background on the game board” if it exists.
Add the following to the rule “The Game Board”:

Each Cell is exactly one of the following, which is tracked with the colour of the Cell’s background on the game board:
* A Plain Cell (white). Any Cell that isn’t any of the other possibilities in this list is a Plain Cell.
* A Bonus Cell (gold), see “Turns” for more information
* A Frozen Cell (light blue). If a Turn Action would change a Frozen Cell’s Content, or if it would “move” the Cell’s Content to another Cell, the action is instead considered illegal.
* A Trap Cell (red), see “Turns” for more information

If the proposal “Light It Up” was not enacted, remove the bullet point about Bonus Cells from the rule “The Game Board”.

In the “Collect Match” atomic action, before the step “Set the Content of those Cells to Empty” add

* For each of the selected cells that is a Trap Cell, decrease the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 3 (to a minimum of zero), provided such a stat exists (i.e. if the content is a Lemon, decrease their Lemons by three; if they have less than three Lemons, set their Lemons to 0). Then that cell ceases to be a Trap Cell.

In the rule “Turns”, replace
“Set the Content of those Cells to Empty”

Set the Content of all Cells in the selected Group to Empty and make them Plain Cells.

Quorum Reached—Passes 4-0—Clucky


Benbot: he/him

13-09-2024 15:32:26 UTC

I would prefer if Frozen Cells could me matched but nothing else, but eh…

JonathanDark: he/him

13-09-2024 15:49:15 UTC

Interestingly, because this only specifies that a Turn Action that changes a Frozen Cell’s content would be illegal, it would still allow Collect Match to happen (Collect Match is not a Turn Action), which could change that Cell’s content.

I don’t know if that was intended, but it should be considered.

Clucky: he/him

13-09-2024 15:53:01 UTC

I’d rather focus just on trap cells or frozen cells, but add a way for them to appear on the board

Desertfrog: Jury

13-09-2024 16:37:34 UTC

Matching frozen cells is intentionally possible (note that their contents can also fall down when filling cells, which is also more or less intentional)

Clucky: he/him

13-09-2024 18:57:10 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

13-09-2024 19:40:23 UTC



13-09-2024 20:25:41 UTC
