Proposal: Central Office
Times out and passes 14-1. -Bucky
Adminned at 12 Nov 2011 15:05:09 UTC
Blank the wiki page ‘Routes’.
Enact a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Central Office’, reading
The Dispatcher does not count as a Driver for the purposes of any other Dynastic Rule, except where that Rule specifically refers to the Dispatcher.
Enact a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Cash’, reading
Each Driver has an amount of Cash (a non-negative integer), initially 0. Cash is tracked in the GNDT.
Enact a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Routes’, reading
There are a number of Routes available for Drivers to patrol. A Driver has a pool of Routes. These are listed as an ordered list on the wiki page ‘Routes’. By default, a new Driver’s pool consists of 3 Inactive Downtown Routes and 2 Inactive Airport Routes, in that order. If a Driver’s pool is exactly the default, then their pool need not be listed on the wiki page. Each Route must be of a kind detailed in a subrule to this rule. A Route is either Active or Inactive; Inactive Routes should be marked with a * to indicate this.
As a weekly action, a Driver may Request Assignment. To do this, the Driver rolls DICEN a number of times in the GNDT, where N is the number of Routes in the Driver’s pool. The Driver continues to roll until every possible value occurs at least once, then rearranges their list of Available Routes according to the first occurrence of each number (e.g. if they roll 3, 4, 2, 2, 3 1, then their third route becomes first, their fourth route becomes second, their second route becomes third, and their first route becomes last). They the first five Routes in their pool (or all if there are fewer) become Active.
As a daily action, a Driver may Drive the first Route in their Routes pool. This moves the Route to the bottom of the list, makes it Inactive, and, if that Route was Active. causes them to get the effects, if any, described in the subrule corresponding to that Route.
Enact a new subrule to Routes, entitled ‘Downtown’
When a Driver Drives a Downtown Route, that driver earns 1 Cash.
Enact a new subrule to Routes, entitled ‘Airport’
When a Driver Drives an Airport Route, that driver earns 3 Cash.
I have to run for dinner; please make proposals to complement and I’ll flesh the mechanic out later if no one else does. Let’s get Driving!
arthexis: he/him
The rule is fine, but I wouldn’t play it. Lots of tedious work that I already have a day full of.