Friday, June 08, 2012

Proposal: Chakra Available

Timed out and passed, 1-0, with 3 unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 11 Jun 2012 01:55:07 UTC

Create a new rule, titled “[Dynasty 36]: Time Buddha’s Station”, with the following text:

The Time Buddha’s Station is considered to be Heaven, even if not explicitly entered into the GNDT as such.

Here is the victory rule for the Second Dynasty of Angry Grasshopper: “If the Abbot’s Station ever becomes Heaven, then each Monk should send one email to the Abbot to nominate a single Monk, whom e feels is “outstanding beyond the other Monks”. E may not nominate emself or the Abbot. After a reasonable amount of time, if the Abbot’s station is still Heaven, e may pick one of the three Monks with the most nominations, and post the result to the Blog including a count of all nominations received. The chosen Monk has achieved Victory.”
If this passes, then any Time Monk who is willing to travel to Dynasty 36 (I do not have a Temporal Cloak), I will nominate you for victory and you can unblock the chakra there. I will do this for the Time Monk who offers me the best deal in exchange. Make me an offer.



08-06-2012 21:40:52 UTC

To stave off any suspicions: the ruleset for Dynasty 36 is extremely complex (part of it is in code) and I don’t think I’m going to be able to unblock the chakra here on my own. So, I’m offering the chakra to some one else, but I’m offering a trade because I want to get something out of it. I’m not really sure if any player could offer something other than a promise easily broken, but I guess I’m willing to take that chance.


08-06-2012 22:06:59 UTC

Then the Abbot should pick “one of the three monks with the most nominations”... I suppose it means there has to be three monks with the most nominations.


08-06-2012 22:37:40 UTC

I saw that, but my reasoning goes something like this. If there is one nomination, and all other monks have zero nominations, then all monks would be eligible to be picked by Josh: one monk in first, and a 20-way tie for second place puts all monks in the possible set of “one of the three monks with the most nominations”, although any monk not occupying Dynasty 36 would not be able to unblock the chakra.

I’m not really sure that this all works. I guess I’m banking on Josh being cooperative? If anyone else has a good idea, I’m open to hear it, although I know it doesn’t do anyone any good to just help me outright. I guess if this proposal fails I’ll move on to some other random dynasty and hope my luck is better there.


09-06-2012 00:07:07 UTC



09-06-2012 00:44:30 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

09-06-2012 06:57:00 UTC

imperial I’m not having an opinion on this.

ais523: Mastermind

10-06-2012 23:24:42 UTC

Buggy, needs to not be a Hard Rule (it is by default, but the title implies that you didn’t mean it to be).