Story Post: [Challenge] Double Zero
Time for another challenge! This one is a challenge of timing, and will last for the rest of today, Monday, and Tuesday. What you basically have to do is post comments at the start of a new minute; to be precise, the seconds value of the time at which you post the comment needs to be 00.
- To succeed at this challenge, you must post at least one comment to this thread before the challenge ends, and the timestamp of every comment you post to this thread before the challenge ends must end :00 (even a single comment not on an exact minute will cause you to fail, as will not posting at all).
- To become the champion of this challenge, post the most comments to this thread, whilst still succeeding; if there’s a tie, whoever was first to post their last comment (out of the tied contestants) will become the champion.
- This challenge ends on Wednesday. (Incidentally, a comment with a timestamp of midnight on Wednesday morning doesn’t count, so 23:59:00 on Tuesday will be your last chance to post a comment.
Good luck, everyone!
redtara: they/them