Sunday, June 21, 2009

Story Post: [Challenge] [Extreme] Disaster in the bunker

This challenge is all about being the last remaining contestant in the Bunker, which is slowly filling up with water. An Evacuee is a contestant who is either Out, or has been made an Evacuee some other way by this challenge; Evacuees automatically become Outsiders when they become an Evacuee, rules permitting, or when a rule is added that allows a Challenge to make Contestants Outsiders; in order to “make another player an Evacuee”, you must make a GNDT comment to that effect (and change that player’s Status at the same time, if permitted). If an Evacuee ever becomes an Insider (for any reason), he ceases to be an Evacuee. This challenge ends when only one Contestant is not a Evacuee; that Contestant is the only Contestant who succeeds at this challenge (all others fail), and the Challenge Champion (and incidentally also wins the dynasty, due to being the only Contestant not to be an Outsider). Contestants who are not Evacuees are Remaining Contestants.

Each room of the Bunker has an Integrity value, initially 120. This value can be changed in the following ways:

  • A Remaining Contestant can attempt to barricade the room he is in against the rising waters, with the same timing as a daily action. To do this, he must roll DICEX in the GNDT, where X is 2, plus 1 for every full 10 points of Looks that Contestant has (more attractive contestants tend to be fitter, and can also more easily persuade other contestants to help), add the number rolled to the room’s Integrity, add another 5 if he used Luck to adjust the result of that roll, add another 1 if all Remaining Contestants in that room are wearing the same colour of hat (because hat synergy makes work go faster), and make a post here specifying which room was barricaded, and the new value of its Integrity. A room can be barricaded any number of times, subject to the timing requirements of a daily action. If a Remaining Contestant makes a GNDT dice roll to barricade a room, but then does not make the comment to this post specifying the new values within 20 minutes, any player may make them an Evacuee (this is to ensure people keep the records up-to-date in a timely manner).
  • An Evacuee can attempt to pump water out of any room (using the complicated miswired plumbing system), with the same timing as a daily action. This increases that room’s Integrity by 1, plus 1 for every 4 full points of Fame that Evacuee has (famous Evacuees can more easily recruit members of the camera crew to help man the pumps). Alternatively, instead of making this daily action by pumping water out of the room, they can pump water into a room, if for some reason they want to sabotage the bunker; this is done instead of pumping water out of a room, and decreases that room’s Integrity by the same amount it would otherwise have increased. To perform either of these actions, the Evacuee must post a comment to this post specifying that he does so, which room is affected, and the new value of that room’s Integrity.

Both of the daily action-timing actions above can be affected by the hyper rush from certain results of eating fruit.

A room’s Dryness is equal to its Integrity, minus the number of hours that this challenge has existed; its Capacity is equal to its Dryness divided by ten, rounded to the nearest integer but rounding multiples of 0.5 downwards (rather than the usual upwards). If the number of Remaining Contestants in a room is ever greater than its Capacity, Contestants in that room are in imminent risk of drowning; any Contestant (including the Host) may pull a Remaining Contestant in that room to safety, by making that Contestant an Evacuee. However, if at least one of the Remaining Contestants in that room has not been in it continuously for 24 hours (for the purposes of calculating this, being idle does not count as being in a room), then the Remaining Contestant who entered that room most recently must be chosen to pull to safety this way (as they couldn’t find as dry a spot as the others); if every Remaining Contestant in that room has been in it continuously for 24 hours, only the lowest-Fame Remaining Contestant in that room can be made an Evacuee in this way (because the producers want to keep famous people in there for as long as possible to boost the ratings); if more than one Remaining Contestant ties for lowest Fame, any of those involved in the tie can be chosen.

Incidentally, the Prize Fund has dropped to about $318,234; I’m not sure of the exact value. I suspect the cameramen were skimming some of it off the top while I wasn’t looking. Also, the Cessna is apparently part of it, apparently because we couldn’t easily fly a car out here so a plane had to do instead.

It’s been an especially high tide today; the hole surrounding the bunker is now full of seawater, and I don’t think the walls are going to hold up much longer. We’re going to have to evacuate the bunker; but to keep our ratings up, we want to leave famous contestants in there as long as possible. Pick the rooms you want to barricade yourselves in carefully; after all, most of the rooms have special rules of their own, and some may be more advantageous to you than others. Also, I would appreciate it if somebody would pull me to safety once the water in the Control Room gets too high for me to fit in there at the same time as all the Remaining Contestants in that room.



21-06-2009 03:31:48 UTC

Based on one interpretation of the challenge rules…

“in order to “make another player an Evacuee”, you must make a GNDT comment to that effect (and change that player’s Status at the same time, if permitted)”

Hee hee.


21-06-2009 03:32:44 UTC

So…we kick each other out of the bunker?

ais523: Mastermind

21-06-2009 03:44:17 UTC

Rodlen: more rescue them. Kicking other people out is a rather unceremonious way of putting it. (But yes, you do get to make each other Outsiders, once “Easier-to-track Final Showdowns” passes, and effectively Outsiders for the purpose of this challenge even before that.)


21-06-2009 03:56:01 UTC

...Wait…would a GNDT comment consisting of “I make AnnoyingGuy an evacuee” work right now?

ais523: Mastermind

21-06-2009 04:06:51 UTC

@Rodlen: no, you can only make people evacuees when the text of the challenge allows you to (i.e. when they’re in a room that’s out of Capacity, or they were late posting a comment after rolling the dice). The bit at the top specifies how you make someone an Evacuee, not that you can.

Clucky: he/him

21-06-2009 05:01:12 UTC

I barricade the basement. Wak’s and my hats make the work go faster

Hours passed: 2

Basement: 122
Lounge: 118
Kitchen: 118
Bathroom: 118
Gym: 118
Diary Room: 118
Bedroom: 118
Indoor Garden: 118
Reward Room: 118
Control Room: 118

redtara: they/them

21-06-2009 05:02:45 UTC

Pushing my luck on the Barricade roll. Increases to 5. Integrity is now 105. Increases by another 5, due to extra pushing luck bonus. Integrity of the Gym is now 110. Pumping water. 1+3=4. 4+110=114. Gym’s total integrity: 114.

redtara: they/them

21-06-2009 05:03:30 UTC

oops. integrity is actually 134

redtara: they/them

21-06-2009 05:03:55 UTC

(thanks qwaz)


21-06-2009 05:05:05 UTC

With yuri’s addition:

Basement: 122
Lounge: 118
Kitchen: 118
Bathroom: 118
Gym: 132
Diary Room: 118
Bedroom: 118
Indoor Garden: 118
Reward Room: 118
Control Room: 118


21-06-2009 05:18:57 UTC

Pumping water into the Indoor Garden for 5 anti-integrities.

Basement: 122
Lounge: 118
Kitchen: 118
Bathroom: 118
Gym: 132
Diary Room: 118
Bedroom: 118
Indoor Garden: 113
Reward Room: 118
Control Room: 118


21-06-2009 07:14:03 UTC

Looking on in intrest at the rising water and wondering if there is any way I can help.


21-06-2009 07:24:21 UTC

Ok, didn’t realize that only evacuees can pump water. Adjusted integrities (as of 7:28):

Basement: 119
Lounge: 115
Kitchen: 115
Bathroom: 115
Gym: 125
Diary Room: 115
Bedroom: 115
Indoor Garden: 115
Reward Room: 115
Control Room: 115

You can pump water if you want, though, Psycho.


21-06-2009 07:29:05 UTC

Cool I misread that as well


21-06-2009 07:30:47 UTC

I pump water out of the lounge for 2 points.

Basement: 119
Lounge: 117
Kitchen: 115
Bathroom: 115
Gym: 125
Diary Room: 115
Bedroom: 115
Indoor Garden: 115
Reward Room: 115
Control Room: 115

Clucky: he/him

21-06-2009 18:21:54 UTC

After 15 hours the totals are as follows:

Basement: 109 (11 people)
Lounge: 107 (11 people)
Kitchen: 105 (10 people)
Bathroom: 105 (10 people)
Gym: 115 (11 people)
Diary Room: 105 (10 people)
Bedroom: 105 (10 people)
Indoor Garden: 105 (10 people)
Reward Room: 105 (10 people)
Control Room: 105 (10 people)


22-06-2009 00:24:01 UTC

I request to become unidle.


22-06-2009 02:27:29 UTC

You have to make a Blog Post in order to become unidle, comex. This isn’t a Blog Post, it’s jusr a comment.

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 02:39:59 UTC

No he doesn’t Qwaz. Read the rules.


22-06-2009 02:51:43 UTC

“Anybody may apply to join BlogNomic (if he is not already playing) by registering at via the Register link in the sidebar, and then making a post announcing his arrival.”

This discussion has already happened this Dynasty.


22-06-2009 02:57:59 UTC

Oh, forgot comex had been here before. You were the one with the spamming for some other nomic, right?


22-06-2009 03:12:03 UTC

I barricade the Gym for 2.

Basement: 100 (10 people)
Lounge: 98 (9 people)
Kitchen: 96 (9 people)
Bathroom: 96 (9 people)
Gym: 108 (10 people)
Diary Room: 96 (9 people)
Bedroom: 96 (9 people)
Indoor Garden: 96 (9 people)
Reward Room: 96 (9 people)
Control Room: 96 (9 people)


22-06-2009 03:13:47 UTC

Numbers of people was wrong, here it is revised:

Basement: 100 (10 people)
Lounge: 98 (10 people)
Kitchen: 96 (10 people)
Bathroom: 96 (10 people)
Gym: 108 (11 people)
Diary Room: 96 (10 people)
Bedroom: 96 (10 people)
Indoor Garden: 96 (10 people)
Reward Room: 96 (10 people)
Control Room: 96 (10 people)


22-06-2009 03:16:22 UTC

Technically, the Integrity of the Gym is 132 after I barricade.


22-06-2009 03:20:14 UTC

By which logic, Clucky never posted the new Integrity of the Basement; he just posted the Dryness. I am thus making him an Evacuee.


22-06-2009 03:25:10 UTC


Basement: 124
Lounge: 122
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 132
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 120
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 99 (10 people)
Lounge: 97 (10 people)
Kitchen: 95 (9 people)
Bathroom: 95 (9 people)
Gym: 107 (11 people)
Diary Room: 95 (9 people)
Bedroom: 95 (9 people)
Indoor Garden: 95 (9 people)
Reward Room: 95 (9 people)
Control Room: 95 (9 people)


22-06-2009 03:35:30 UTC

Ugh, this is a mess. None of the previous Barricadings or Pumpings (besides my last one) have taken effect, because no one posted the proper integrity (not even yuri, because he wasn’t allowed to pump). So technically, here’s where we’re at:

Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 122
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 120
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

Basement: 95 (9 people)
Lounge: 95 (9 people)
Kitchen: 95 (9 people)
Bathroom: 95 (9 people)
Gym: 97 (10 people)
Diary Room: 95 (9 people)
Bedroom: 95 (9 people)
Indoor Garden: 95 (9 people)
Reward Room: 95 (9 people)
Control Room: 95 (9 people)

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 03:57:01 UTC

Technically the rule never specified which new values we needed to post. I specified new values within 20 minutes.

Also what I did was well within the spirit of the rule.

Scratch my CfJ, I don’t consider myself an evacuee.

Darknight: he/him

22-06-2009 04:02:00 UTC

Qwaz, stop being a twit.


22-06-2009 04:06:32 UTC

Read this through carefully:

“A Remaining Contestant can attempt to barricade the room he is in against the rising waters, with the same timing as a daily action. To do this, he must roll DICEX in the GNDT, where X is 2, plus 1 for every full 10 points of Looks that Contestant has (more attractive contestants tend to be fitter, and can also more easily persuade other contestants to help), add the number rolled to the room’s Integrity, add another 5 if he used Luck to adjust the result of that roll, add another 1 if all Remaining Contestants in that room are wearing the same colour of hat (because hat synergy makes work go faster), and make a post here specifying which room was barricaded, and the new value of its Integrity. A room can be barricaded any number of times, subject to the timing requirements of a daily action. If a Remaining Contestant makes a GNDT dice roll to barricade a room, but then does not make the comment to this post specifying the new values within 20 minutes, any player may make them an Evacuee (this is to ensure people keep the records up-to-date in a timely manner).”

You have to include the new value of the integrity.


1. You made the roll to barricade
2. You never posted the new Integrity value, and it’s been over 20 minutes
3. The values you posted are, in any case, incorrect, and thus don’t qualify under any interpretation. They are incorrect because you never fulfilled the posting requirements to barricade, and thus your numbers never applied at all.
4. If you wanted me to give you the benefit of the doubt, then you shouldn’t have been a jerk to me for the last week.

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 04:07:33 UTC

I should point out that even if Qwaz is right, he and Yuri are also out as it took them over 20 minutes to post the correct values. Can’t be selective, can’t claim that because you posted them you are safe. So feel free to kick me out, but you two have to go too.

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 04:08:47 UTC

Ok. Fair enough. I guess we are all three out.

Darknight: he/him

22-06-2009 04:09:26 UTC

thank god you two can be civil still lol


22-06-2009 04:09:51 UTC

I posted in time, check carefully.

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 04:14:10 UTC

No you didn’t. The correct value for the gym is 122. You posted that at 06-22-2009 03:35:30 UTC. at 06-22-2009 03:12:03 UTC, 23 minutes before, you claimed to have made your roll and by the GNDT you did it 35 minutes before.


22-06-2009 04:17:08 UTC

Ooh, you’re right, that post was before I realized yuri’s was illegal too. I’ll buy myself In later.

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 04:19:07 UTC

An Evacuee is a contestant who is either Out, or has been made an Evacuee some other way by this challenge.

You have been made an Evacuee some other way by this challenge. So you are always and Evacuee, and so always count as out. (technically none of us are out until AIS’s rule passes anyways, come to think of it)


22-06-2009 04:24:43 UTC

Woo, that is more complicated than I had realized. None of us are Out until ais’s Rule passes, but you, me, and yuri are Evacuees. We’ll all become Out when ais’s Rule passes.


22-06-2009 04:27:34 UTC

I’m not gonna revert the GNDT; it shouldn’t make any difference, but someone else can, if they want. We all become Outsiders as soon as ais’s Rule passes, so at that point the GNDT will become accurate.


22-06-2009 04:44:23 UTC

Nvm, I reverted the GNDT to avoid confusion over the Rodlen-Darknight-Wakukee thing.


22-06-2009 09:55:30 UTC

Retroactively, I barricade the Gym for 2 Integrity (same roll as before: Clucky, yuri, and Psychotipath can repeat as well, because their original posts never became official).

The new Integrity for the Gym is 122.


Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 122
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 120
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 89 (9 people)
Lounge: 89 (9 people)
Kitchen: 89 (9 people)
Bathroom: 89 (9 people)
Gym: 91 (9 people)
Diary Room: 89 (9 people)
Bedroom: 89 (9 people)
Indoor Garden: 89 (9 people)
Reward Room: 89 (9 people)
Control Room: 89 (9 people)


22-06-2009 09:57:41 UTC

WELL I’M NOT IN THE GYM ANYMORE SO THAT DOESN’T WORK EITHER. I didn’t make another roll, so I can’t be evacuated again. But wow, I cannot seem to grasp this Challenge, can I?


Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 120
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 120
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 89 (9 people)
Lounge: 89 (9 people)
Kitchen: 89 (9 people)
Bathroom: 89 (9 people)
Gym: 89 (9 people)
Diary Room: 89 (9 people)
Bedroom: 89 (9 people)
Indoor Garden: 89 (9 people)
Reward Room: 89 (9 people)
Control Room: 89 (9 people)


22-06-2009 13:53:18 UTC

Ok, now I’m back in the Gym. I barricade the Gym for 3 Integrities (if I haven’t already). The new Integrity of the Gym is 122.


Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 122
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 120
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 85 (8 people)
Lounge: 85 (8 people)
Kitchen: 85 (8 people)
Bathroom: 85 (8 people)
Gym: 87 (9 people)
Diary Room: 85 (8 people)
Bedroom: 85 (8 people)
Indoor Garden: 85 (8 people)
Reward Room: 85 (8 people)
Control Room: 85 (8 people)

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 14:13:59 UTC

How can you barricade the gym if you are an evacuee?

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 14:17:03 UTC

oh I see, you just made the post. I guess that technically works…


22-06-2009 14:54:33 UTC

Yes, I think it’s still legal to post after the fact.


22-06-2009 15:27:35 UTC

I barricade the Gym for 1 Integrity.  New values:


Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 123
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 120
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120


22-06-2009 16:47:20 UTC

Pumping Water into the Indoor Garden for 5 anti-Integrities. New Integrity for the Indoor Garden is 115.


22-06-2009 16:50:13 UTC


Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 123
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 115
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 82 (8 people)
Lounge: 82 (8 people)
Kitchen: 82 (8 people)
Bathroom: 82 (8 people)
Gym: 85 (8 people)
Diary Room: 82 (8 people)
Bedroom: 82 (8 people)
Indoor Garden: 77 (8 people)
Reward Room: 82 (8 people)
Control Room: 82 (8 people)

Clucky: he/him

22-06-2009 21:13:21 UTC

I pump water into the indoor garden.

Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 123
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 112
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 120

42 hours have passed

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 78 (8 people)
Lounge: 78 (8 people)
Kitchen: 78 (8 people)
Bathroom: 78 (8 people)
Gym: 81 (8 people)
Diary Room: 78 (8 people)
Bedroom: 78 (8 people)
Indoor Garden: 70 (7 people)
Reward Room: 78 (8 people)
Control Room: 78 (8 people)

redtara: they/them

23-06-2009 00:05:03 UTC

Pumping water out of the gym. That’s five points there.


23-06-2009 00:12:32 UTC

You need to post the new Integrity of the Gym with that information, or else it doesn’t work.

redtara: they/them

23-06-2009 00:27:37 UTC

Pumping water out of the gym. Gym’s new integrity is 128.


23-06-2009 01:52:48 UTC

Pumping water into the Control Room. The Control Room’s new Integrity is 115.


23-06-2009 01:56:52 UTC


Basement: 120
Lounge: 120
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 128
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 112
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 115

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 73 (7 people)
Lounge: 73 (7 people)
Kitchen: 73 (7 people)
Bathroom: 73 (7 people)
Gym: 81 (8 people)
Diary Room: 73 (7 people)
Bedroom: 73 (7 people)
Indoor Garden: 65 (6 people)
Reward Room: 73 (7 people)
Control Room: 68 (7 people)


23-06-2009 07:14:25 UTC

I pump water out of the lounge

Lounge: 122


24-06-2009 08:16:27 UTC

Psycho’s pumping didn’t work, it was during Hiatus. I pump water into the Lounge for 6 anti-Integrities. New Lounge Integrity is 114.


Basement: 120
Lounge: 114
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 128
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 112
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 115

Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 43 (4 people)
Lounge: 37 (4 people)
Kitchen: 43 (4 people)
Bathroom: 43 (4 people)
Gym: 51 (5 people)
Diary Room: 43 (4 people)
Bedroom: 43 (4 people)
Indoor Garden: 45 (4 people)
Reward Room: 53 (5 people)
Control Room: 38 (4 people)

Clucky: he/him

24-06-2009 13:56:34 UTC

I pump 3 waters into the indoor garden:


Basement: 120
Lounge: 114
Kitchen: 120
Bathroom: 120
Gym: 128
Diary Room: 120
Bedroom: 120
Indoor Garden: 109
Reward Room: 120
Control Room: 115

-83 hours for Drynesses (Capacities):

Basement: 37 (4 people)
Lounge: 31 (3 people)
Kitchen: 37 (4 people)
Bathroom: 37 (3 people)
Gym: 45 (4 people)
Diary Room: 37 (4 people)
Bedroom: 37 (4 people)
Indoor Garden: 29 (3 people)
Reward Room: 37 (4 people)
Control Room: 32 (3 people)

Clucky: he/him

24-06-2009 14:20:21 UTC

I fail at subtracting. Indoor garden should be at 26 (3 people)

Clucky: he/him

24-06-2009 17:29:44 UTC

We’re -4 from my last post. So control room is at 28 dryness. This is the only one that matters…

redtara: they/them

24-06-2009 17:29:55 UTC

Flooding control room by 5. Integrity is now 110.

Clucky: he/him

24-06-2009 17:30:37 UTC

dryness is 23. capcity is two =D