Proposal: Choice of Battleground
Timed out 3 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 Jul 2019 18:42:54 UTC
The challenger specifies the duel’s battlefield from the list of current battlefields. Battles conducted during this duel have the duel’s battlefield as their battlefield
The challenger specifies three different battlefields (such that no individual battle effect appears three times in the list) from the list of current battlefields.
Any valid opponent may become the opponent by stating such intention in a comment on the blog entry
Any valid opponent may become the opponent by making a comment on the blog entry stating such intention and specifying one of the three battlefields listed in the duel’s blog entry. That battlefield then becomes the duel’s battlefield. Battles conducted during this duel have the duel’s battlefield as their battlefield
Lets make it a little trickier to corner someone in an unfavorable duel.
Kevan: he/him
Comparing 12 battlegrounds to 20 abilities across 5 players three times feels like too much work for too little benefit.