Proposal: Chose your shoulder
Self-Killed by Quazie, failed by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 16:56:13 UTC
Create an instinct entitled “Good vs Evil”
Add a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Create a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil.
There exists a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil.
There exists a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Any Instinct, Impulse, or Inclination may be an action that can only be taken by a voice whose Allegiance is to the Angel, Devil, or Neither. Angel Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored blue while Devil Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored red and Neutral Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored green. When creating a proposal that creates an Instinct, Impulse or Inclination, it must be explicitly mentioned whether said rule shall apply to those with an Angel Allegiance, a Devil Allegiance or those with neither Allegiance. If a proposal does not state what Allegiance a rule shall have, it shall have no Allegiance.
A Voice may Occasionally chance eir Allegiance.
A new Voice starts out with eir Allegiance set to Neither.
Set all Voices Allegiance to Neither.
Set Angel’s Allegiance to Angel.
Set Devli’s Allegiance to Devil.
Add the following to Law 10
A rule only applies to a Voice if it has no Allegiance or the rule’s Allegiance is the same as the Voice’s Allegiance.