Saturday, February 10, 2007

Proposal: Clams of a Feather

Timed out and failed, 7-8. Josh

Adminned at 12 Feb 2007 02:00:59 UTC

“Never regret yesterday.  Life is in you today, and you make your DoV tomorrow.” (A quotation from Blognominetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health)

Add a new Dynastic rule, called “Clambake”:

If an Actor having the Gossip Story “Cult-Worshipping” makes a Proposal, then no other Actor that also has the Gossip Story “Cult-Worshipping” and that also has fewer Fame points than the Actor making the Proposal may make any vote that has the effect of a vote Against the Proposal.



10-02-2007 06:26:46 UTC

against Change it to must vote for and I might be interested.  At the moment they will just not vote.


10-02-2007 07:00:04 UTC


Angry Grasshopper:

10-02-2007 15:41:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

10-02-2007 18:04:22 UTC

Eh. At first this struck me as very abusable. Somehow get alot of people who are “Cult-Worshipping” and you could technically totally destroy the ruleset. However, I also noted that no one is forcing a vote—you can just not vote if you don’t like the proposal. Still, say I vote   imperial and then Doremi votes against—-rules are very unclear on what happens?

(Note that the against was my last icon, and so my vote)

Amnistar: he/him

10-02-2007 19:12:13 UTC

against as ChinDoGu


10-02-2007 19:33:39 UTC

As both ChinDoGu and Clucky.


10-02-2007 21:03:29 UTC

for Seems fine to me.  “must vote FOR” won’t work as an absolute; there’d have to be an “or else” clause with it.  I think it’s best flavorwise as is, but if you want automatic FOR votes, it should say something like “so-and-so’s vote is assumed to have been FOR, and e may not actually vote (exception: imperial VETO)” and specify exactly when the vote is assumed to have been made (at time of posting, or at time of “adminning”?).  Of course, all of this would make “cult-worshipping” pretty powerful for those with high fame;  I figure this to be one of the first in a series of _minor_ effects associated with each of the Gossip Stories.

It also seems clear to me (from grammatical tense) that as proposed, deferential votes are forbidden if and only if the Investor had already made an against vote.  The restriction is only checked at the moment of voting.


10-02-2007 22:37:01 UTC

Hix’s interpretations are correct. 

I actually thought this would have a warmer reception—it creates what I think is a sexy amount of tension regarding having the gossip story “Cult-worshipping”: it’s a dangerous stat to have… unless you’re the top dog.  Do you dare to try to shoot the moon?

Plus, the clam-teasing is just inherently amusing.


11-02-2007 01:46:21 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

11-02-2007 04:11:32 UTC


Kevan: he/him

11-02-2007 18:58:41 UTC



11-02-2007 19:47:26 UTC



11-02-2007 20:00:52 UTC

against Too much potential to give unprecedented power to one Actor.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

11-02-2007 22:22:39 UTC

for Heheh, yeah.


12-02-2007 00:46:07 UTC

against I don’t particularly care for voting restrictions.