Thursday, December 28, 2006

Proposal: Clarification of use of term “Team”.

Passed 4-0. Clucky

Adminned at 30 Dec 2006 12:56:39 UTC

This is a proposal to add the following text to the end of Rule 2.1:

The Blognomic Team consists exclusively of all Olympians (other than any one or more Olympians who have withdrawn from the Blognomic Team or been ejected from the Blognomic Team, to the extent permitted by the Rules).  No Olympian may belong to more than one Team.  Unless the context requires otherwise, the term “Team” means the Blognomic Team or any rival team listed in Rule 2.2.


Elias IX:

28-12-2006 16:26:08 UTC



28-12-2006 16:28:27 UTC


Clucky: he/him

28-12-2006 16:59:45 UTC
