Monday, August 02, 2021

Proposal: Clash of Clans

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Aug 2021 09:08:50 UTC

If Proposal: Bloodied Steel was enacted, rewrite the rule Battles as follows; otherwise, enact a new rule called Battles with the following text:

There is a publicly tracked list of Ongoing Battles; for each Battle on the list, the following information is tracked: the Battle Start Time (the time and date at which the Battle’s Site came to contain units of both factions, or the time and date of any other event that triggers a Battle according to a rule), the Site (the map coordinates of the territory in which the battle is taking place), the Forces (a list of all units that are participating in the battle, which is, by default, all units present in that Territory), and a Cusp (which is by default a date and time exactly 12 hours after the time at which the Battle started) .

When a single Territory contains at least one Ashen Unit and at least one Tribunan Unit, that Territory is the Site of a Battle. Any General or Leader may add a currently-occurring Battle to the Ongoing Battles list.

Each Battle has a status, which is not tracked but which is an emergent property based on its Cusp; when the current date and time is before the Battle’s Cusp it is Hot; when the current date and time is after the Battle’s Cusp it is Cooling. When a Battle is Cooling, the Battle, any Unit involved in the Battle and the Territory in which the Battle is taking place may not be the subject or target of any dynastic action except the Resolve a Battle action.

A Leader may carry out the Resolve a Battle action on a Battle that is Cooling at any time.

Resolve a Battle is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Privately notify the other Leader that the Battle is in process of resolution, to prevent duplication of effort.
* Determine the outcome:
** Calculate the Tribunan and Ashen Strength scores for this Battle, which are (respectively) the total Arms of all Units for the relevant faction that are engaged in the battle plus DICEX, where X is the number of that faction’s Units that are engaged in the Battle.
** Calculate the Tribunan and Ashen Defence scores for this Battle, which are (respectively) the total Armour of all Units for the relevant faction that are engaged in the battle.
** For each faction: calculate their Losses, which is their opponent’s Strength score minus their own Defence; then select a Unit of that faction at random and roll DICEY, where Y is that faction’s Losses, and reduce their Size by that amount, to a minimum of zero, and reduce that faction’s Losses by the same amount; repeat this step until that faction’s Losses are zero.
** Destroy all Units in the Battle with a Size of 0 or lower.
* Retreats: If the Territory still has at least one Tribuban and one Ashen Unit, all Units in the Territory retreat: Tribunan Units move one Territory to the south while Ashen Units move one Territory to the north. This may create a new Battle, or impact an existing one; if so, amend the Ongoing Battles list accordingly. If a faction cannot retreat for any reason (because their retreat direction is the edge of the map, for example, or because their retreat territory is contains a Cooling Battle) then its Units stay in their current Territory; if this occurs for both Factions then a new Battle with that Territory as its Site and a Start Time of the time of this Atomic Action must be started as part of this Atomic Action.
* Cleanup: Make a Story Post summarizing the Battle’s events (it is recommended that this include changes to Unit Size, and any other changes to dynastic variables), and remove the selected Battle from the list of Ongoing Battles.

Add the following to the end of the rule The Tribunan-Ashen Divide:

The Kingdom of Tribuna and the Ashen Concord may be referred to as ‘factions’ or ‘sides’, and are always the opponent relative to each other.

Tidying up the language, simplifying Battle resolution and splitting out some hooks (eg Tactics) that aren’t defined yet, hopefully making the rule a bit more readable; these things can be added back in when they get defined in the ruleset.

Also making the Battles less random; last dynasty was very random, would be nice to make this more crunchy.



02-08-2021 10:57:52 UTC

“When a Battle is Cooling, the Battle, any Unit involved in the Battle and the Territory in which the Battle is taking place may not be the subject or target of any dynastic action.” may need an exception for the Resolve a Battle action (and even if it technically doesn’t, it would be a lot clearer if you added one).

The atomic action will also fail if there’s a drawn battle at the top or bottom line of the map – probably the side that can’t retreat should stay in place, in that situation.

Josh: he/they

02-08-2021 11:07:02 UTC

Thanks; edits made.


02-08-2021 12:36:03 UTC

[CB liked this]

Lulu: she/her

02-08-2021 14:13:44 UTC

for (heh, mobile games)

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

02-08-2021 14:40:44 UTC


Kevan: he/him

02-08-2021 14:54:03 UTC



02-08-2021 14:58:50 UTC


Janet: she/her

02-08-2021 15:04:09 UTC

“Privately notify the other Leader that the Battle is in process of resolution, to prevent duplication of effort.”

I really don’t like that this can fail the atomic action if it’s not performed, but I suppose it’s fine for now.


Josh: he/they

02-08-2021 15:30:03 UTC

@Jason Thinking about it, it’s actually worse than that - the ruleset says that private communications have to be done through EE PMs, so if they do notify each other via slack or whatever then it’ll still be illegal.

So yeah, that’ll need patching.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

02-08-2021 16:29:52 UTC
