Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Proposal: Cliche Ranking

Timed out with quorum of against -Darknight

Adminned at 13 Feb 2009 20:41:39 UTC

Make a new rule, “Ranks”:

Each Soldier has a Rank, tracked in the GNDT. Some Ranks have prerequisites, and if a Soldier meets the prerequisites for a Rank, they may change their Rank to any Rank they meet the prerequisites for. The following are valid Ranks:

*Private: The Soldier does not met the prerequisites for any Rank other than Private.

Set all Soldiers’ Ranks to Private. Set Amnistar’s rank to General.

If at least half of all comments containing counted votes on this proposal also contain the text “Onward to victory”, add the following to the end of rule “Ranks”:

If a Soldier (other than the General)‘s Rank is General, they achieve victory.



12-02-2009 00:05:50 UTC

for  Explicit author for. Onward to victory!


12-02-2009 00:07:59 UTC

for Backward to defeat. Can we modify this later for the rank-ability stuff?


12-02-2009 00:08:38 UTC



12-02-2009 00:14:15 UTC

against There is absolutely no need to confuse things by including a “General” rank.

arthexis: he/him

12-02-2009 00:23:59 UTC

for There is


12-02-2009 00:25:45 UTC



12-02-2009 01:26:53 UTC


Clucky: he/him

12-02-2009 02:20:56 UTC

against Early victory conditions are never a good thing.


12-02-2009 02:25:02 UTC

CoV imperial


12-02-2009 03:19:33 UTC

Cluck: That’s why I made it optional.


12-02-2009 03:23:56 UTC

Un-CoV CoV for

Darknight: he/him

12-02-2009 04:04:27 UTC

imperial “Onward to victory”

SingularByte: he/him

12-02-2009 11:01:10 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-02-2009 11:10:36 UTC

against As Hix.

Plus the usual reluctance to vote for a proposal that waves through a second proposal that would only require a quarter of players to be in favour of it.

Wooden Squid:

12-02-2009 17:50:00 UTC


Elias IX:

12-02-2009 23:18:05 UTC

for 7 for, 3 against, 3 unresolved deferential.

Of the 13 comments containing counted votes thus far, 2 have the special phrase.

ais523: Custodian

13-02-2009 18:59:25 UTC

against. Arguably, this would lead to an instant victory scam; given that General has no prerequisites, by the standard definition of “prerequisites” a player meets the prerequisites for it, even if they don’t have any. So when a new rank is added that does have prerequisites, a player meets the prerequisites for some rank they have the prerequisites for, so they can change their rank to General and win. (At the moment, meeting the nonexistent prereqs for General means players don’t meet the prereqs for Private…)


13-02-2009 19:11:57 UTC

imperial my head hurts, but I think you are right


13-02-2009 20:14:18 UTC

ais523: The General victory thing is optional.


13-02-2009 20:36:30 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

13-02-2009 20:45:45 UTC


I’m okay with the general idea, I’d rather there be a requirement to be a general from the begning though.


14-02-2009 00:18:13 UTC



14-02-2009 00:53:41 UTC

Un-un-CoV CoV against