Story Post: Climax [Act 6]: A Plan Comes Together (51 comments) Stewart snaps out of his narcotic haze with an inspired plan to save the day. T

Stewart snaps out of his narcotic haze with an inspired plan to save the day.

Target body count: 50

Note from Kevan: It looks like “sticky post” means “if this would be displayed on the front page, display it at the top” rather than “always display this at the top of the weblog”. Because this post was nearly two weeks old, it had dropped off the front page - I’ve changed the original post date from the 18th of April to the 30th of April to keep it in play. [Update: I’ve now changed it back.]



18-04-2009 21:28:21 UTC

Title: Got it!

Script: “Its genius!” shouts Stewart, as he realises the true might of his new plan. Stewart goes into his underground lab, gets into a fast car and swings out of his drive and speeds down the highway. Meanwhile, Man emerges cackling, in the distance, a pipe bomb explodes killing 10.

Body Count: 10
(4+1) doubled.

Total Body Count: 10


18-04-2009 21:57:56 UTC

Title: Giant Flea Attack

A giant flea (Flea) kicks Hero’s car away.  Hero’s car lands in Tall Girl’s hands.  Hero looks at Tall Girl, who really should be dead.  Tall Girl says that The Amazing Super Ultra Stupendous Awesome DDA helped her.  Camera pans out, revealing DDA agents.

Body Count: 4

Total Body Count: 14

Action Prop: The Amazing Super Ultra Stupendous Awesome DDA


18-04-2009 23:45:41 UTC

‘Body Count for all the scenes (and thus the number of deaths in the script for those scenes) are doubled in that Act,’

You rolled a 4, +0 since there are no *exact* matches to ‘Flea’ but this should still be doubled to 8 since this act is a Climax act ^^


19-04-2009 00:30:28 UTC

Title: Ahimsa

Script: Hero goes to Mahatma Gandhi (Tony Roberts) for advice on his new plan. Gandhi says to find Mr. Peanut (Mahatma Gandhi) and steal A Shiny Gold Monocle with a Very Shiny Gold Chain. Hero does so. Upon looking into the Monocle, he sees a strange music video. . . .

Body Count: 8

Total Body Count: 18, because Rodlen’s scene is invalid for the wrong Body Count / Total Body Count.

Action Prop: A Shiny Gold Monocle with a Very Shiny Gold Chain

Theme Music: Never Gonna Give You Up, by Rick Astley

Warning: the preceding link is a Rickroll.

Note: The deaths occur during the battle with Mr. Peanut for the monocle.

Note 2: Mr. Peanut is not an advertisement; his appearance doesn’t encourage the purchase of a real world product. He’s just the only person I could think of who wears a monocle.

Note 3: Bad news, guys. After Gandhi heard that this scene featured violence, he refused to film any more Scenes. Something we’ll have to work around. Perhaps we could have someone else play Mr. Peanut in the future; maybe Eric Idle?


19-04-2009 02:19:47 UTC

Flu: But I have a popularity of -2.


19-04-2009 02:20:33 UTC

“Scripters must add their Popularity (rounding it down to the nearest whole number, and regardless of whether or not it is negative) to their roll for number of Bodies in a Scene.”

Therefore, my body count is right, and Qwazzy’s is wrong.


19-04-2009 02:21:09 UTC

And there is an exact match to Flea, but with no awards.


19-04-2009 02:42:48 UTC

You’re more popular than that with me, Rodlen. Although please call me Qwazukee.

I’ll wait to repost my scene until we get a conses on the “Music = subliminal advertising” thing.


19-04-2009 02:43:06 UTC



19-04-2009 07:39:10 UTC

;o My bad :< I didn’t see an exact match, but meh

Kevan: he/him

19-04-2009 10:34:42 UTC

Title: Dubiously Secret Emails

Script: Hero fast-forwards through the rest of the music video. The screen turns dark, and shows a shadowy figure at a computer (someone like Merian C. Cooper), evidently being filmed by a hidden camera. As he types in a large green font, his unbranded laptop reads out each word.

Body Count: 10 (but no Royalties for me, as the director of King Kong - who also played the pilot at the end, apparently - is dead)

Total Body Count: 32

(Nice that the “this video is not available in your country” PRS/YouTube spat is bravely protecting the British from Rickrolls.)


19-04-2009 14:44:02 UTC

Title: Untitled Scene of Death

Script: Laptop reads “I AM MR. PEANUT”. Hero jumps out of window and several buildings explode. Hero confronts Mr. Peanut…

Body Count: 4 (2 doubled)

Total Body Count: 36


19-04-2009 14:44:16 UTC

Title: Untitled Scene of Death

Script: Laptop reads “I AM MR. PEANUT”. Hero jumps out of window and several buildings explode. Hero confronts Mr. Peanut…

Body Count: 4 (2 doubled)


Total Body Count: 36


19-04-2009 14:45:25 UTC

...dammit. I clicked the “stop loading this page” button on my browser after I had clicked the Submit button so that the first one wouldn’t be posted.


19-04-2009 15:37:15 UTC

Okay, I’m re-inputting this because the first one was invalid (wrong total body count). For continuity purposes, feel free to consider that this already happened (previously). Otherwise (in a valid but strange continuity), Hero leaves Mr. Peanut, then turns around and fights Mr. Peanut again.

Title: Ahimsa

Script: Hero goes to Mahatma Gandhi (Tony Roberts) for advice on his new plan. Gandhi says to find Mr. Peanut (Mahatma Gandhi) and steal A Shiny Gold Monocle with a Very Shiny Gold Chain. Hero does so. Upon looking into the Monocle, he sees a strange music video. . . .

Body Count: 8

Total Body Count: 36 (I had 8 royalties, one way or the other)

Action Prop: A Shiny Gold Monocle with a Very Shiny Gold Chain

Theme Music: Never Gonna Give You Up, by Rick Astley

Warning: the preceding link is a Rickroll.

Note: The deaths occur during the battle with Mr. Peanut for the monocle.

Note 2: Mr. Peanut is not an advertisement; his appearance doesn’t encourage the purchase of a real world product. He’s just the only person I could think of who wears a monocle.

Note 3: Bad news, guys. After Gandhi heard that this scene featured violence, he refused to film any more Scenes. Something we’ll have to work around. Perhaps we could have someone else play Mr. Peanut in the future; maybe Eric Idle?

ais523: Custodian

19-04-2009 19:46:07 UTC

@Darth: “stop loading” stops the page loading. In other words, it stops your browser receiving information from the BlogNomic servers, rather than stopping it sending information (which already happened); you send the request (including your comment), the server processes it, then sends a reply. Stopping the reply will do nothing to affect whether your comment is registered.

ais523: Custodian

19-04-2009 20:13:28 UTC

Title: Gearing up

The hero returns to his car, which apparently still works, and speeds off, running over four ninjas, and driving into a secret lab. An old scientist gets out some weird devices for him, but is attacked by more ninjas; the hero shoots six, but the others escape with the devices.

Body Count: ((4 + 1) x 2) = 10

Total Body Count: 46


19-04-2009 21:42:51 UTC

@ais523: Yes, I realize that now. If only I had known that before I tried to stop my post…


20-04-2009 21:15:57 UTC

Something tells me that Kevan is using subliminal messaging in his post… possibly to advertise DSL.  After reading the title, I definitely felt a strong unexplainable urge to purchase DSL.

But, then again, my jedi skills may be getting a little rusty.


20-04-2009 21:49:15 UTC

And I rather distrust Kevan’s explicit mention of King Kong.


20-04-2009 22:22:46 UTC

against  CONTINUITY!

Kevan’s scene, per Yoda and Rodlen.


20-04-2009 22:28:24 UTC

Quite a risk, DC.

Also, Allispaul should be really Idle by now.

Josh: he/they

21-04-2009 04:41:39 UTC

Yeah, I’m not going to rush to admin this, if only because it’s so damn frivolous. Neither the title nor the line next to the body count are in the Script part of the scene, so this is an obvious false claim, and frankly I resent having to drop my popularity again to deal with it. Hopefully Devenger will be back online soon.


21-04-2009 05:12:10 UTC

But it only has to be within the content of the scene, content including name and such.

Josh: he/they

21-04-2009 05:59:08 UTC

Hmm, fair point - I thought that I had written it to be scrip-exclusive but clearly I didn’t.

I’m honestly not convinced that this is a legit claim, though - I can’t see that mentioning King Kong counts as an encouragement, and I don’t see where DSL comes from at all (is it because he mentioned emails?)


21-04-2009 23:29:29 UTC

As for DSL: the email point, plus:

Dubiously Secret Emails


22-04-2009 01:23:53 UTC

And, when the top and middle lines are removed from the E…

Josh: he/they

22-04-2009 05:42:41 UTC

I admire the attempt but that’s not very convincing.


22-04-2009 22:23:03 UTC

Presumably by DSL you mean the Dictionary of the Scots Language?


23-04-2009 18:19:57 UTC

The Producer rejects the continuity/subliminal advertising claim/objection. It’s too obscure and sets an odd precedent. I will note that I will not reward any attempt by Kevan to claim on that potential subliminal advertising that has been identified. (I really doubt his intentions were that.)

We’re out of Development Hell, folks.

Josh: he/they

25-04-2009 07:52:35 UTC

With The Amazing Super Ultra Stupendous Awesome DDA, is Rodlen advertising ASUS?


25-04-2009 10:19:16 UTC

Wow, nice spot I guess… you going to call it? I’m not sure that’s intentional, but it’s definitely subliminal.

Josh: he/they

25-04-2009 10:30:01 UTC

Yeah okay. It’s present and the term “helped her” is encouragement. Thus:


Rodlen’s scene, as above.


25-04-2009 16:31:57 UTC

Aw, man! I was about to post a scene!


25-04-2009 18:04:27 UTC

Never heard of them.


25-04-2009 19:01:43 UTC

The Producer agrees with the objection. Partly because it’s plausible, but mostly because even his days as a DDA Energy Clerk don’t make the prop less ridiculous and nonsensical.

We’re out of Development Hell, folks… again. For now.


25-04-2009 21:23:49 UTC

And that invalidates all scenes after mine.  Wrong total body count now.


25-04-2009 21:24:11 UTC

Heh.  Isn’t that fun.

Kevan: he/him

25-04-2009 22:18:18 UTC

I don’t think so - mentioning the total body count is just part of how you post a scene to the blog.


27-04-2009 20:11:23 UTC

Why did this un-sticky?


27-04-2009 23:31:36 UTC

I have no idea, but I’ll fix it.

Kevan: he/him

01-05-2009 10:34:53 UTC

I’ve now fixed it; it looks like sticky posts disappear once the post is too old to appear on the front page, and this was a couple of weeks old. I’ve changed the date to from April 18th to April 30th.


01-05-2009 17:57:43 UTC

Ok, I know you’re just doing that to expediate things, but that is specifically forbidden in the fair play rules. Is there no way to just re-sticky it?


01-05-2009 18:04:56 UTC

No, there isn’t that we know Qwaz, not within EE anyway. It was stickied before, but would never have shown up except in the April archives.

Kevan: he/him

01-05-2009 18:23:33 UTC

As I say, EE thinks that “sticky” just means “if this blog post would appear on the front page, put it at the top”.

And yes, this breaks a rule of fair play, for the sake of everyone’s convenience - I’ll change it back afterwards. But if I pull some weird scam as a result of the date change, or otherwise offend a majority of players, you’re welcome to raise a CfJ to kick me out.


01-05-2009 20:19:57 UTC

I don’t really care, I just think it’s stupid that EE would stop putting it at the top.


01-05-2009 20:21:41 UTC

Ooh, and he was about to go Idle, too. That was me.


02-05-2009 09:00:16 UTC

Title: They’re behind you

Script: Then the machine rises from the ground behind the agents and opens a crevasse which they all fall into. Man looks out and, seeing Stewart and Tall girl in front of him,starts driving the machine towards them.

Body count 8 ((5-1)x2)
Total Body Count: 22


02-05-2009 14:34:46 UTC

That’s enough

Total Body count (regardless of what any of you might say) is 50, which equals the target body count.

regarding incorrect Total Body Counts: ‘then posting a comment to the Drawing Board describing their Scene, and including the total of all the Act’s Scenes’ (excluding those that are Cut) Body Counts. ‘

This is how to create a scene. the scene is created by rolling a die, writing a description and including the total Body count. All of the scenes here have a total body count (albeit not necessarily the right one) so I would argue they have been created correctly.

The only cut scene is Rodlen’s, DC has been snubbed, and this way the total body count is 50


05-05-2009 01:45:07 UTC

Ok, this can be re-dated now.


05-05-2009 03:34:45 UTC

Unrelatedly, arthexis should go Idle.