Saturday, August 05, 2023

Proposal: Cloudy with a chance of Horde

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Aug 2023 07:43:30 UTC

In the rule “Dilemmas”, in the steps for the Posing a Dilemma atomic action, replace the bullet point that begins with “Make a blog post” with these bullet points:

* Roll 2DICE6. If the result matches a value in the Roll column of the Special Circumstances table, select the corresponding Circumstance as the Special Circumstance for this atomic action.
* Make a blog post which pairs the first Upside with the first Downside, and the second Upside with the second Downside. Include the Special Circumstance in the post if there is one from the preceding step. This post is known as a Dilemma, with each pairing an Outcome.

Add a new rule named “Special Circumstances” and give it the following text:

When a Special Circumstance appears in the Dilemma, it applies immediately to all Districts and uses the District’s values at the time of the posting of the Dilemma.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+Special Circumstances
! Roll !! Circumstance
| 5 || Marauders at the Gates: Calculate B = 5 - Defences. If B is > 0, lose B People.

I would have called this “Events”, but the obvious collision with the Special Case rule of the same name prevented it.


JonathanDark: he/him

05-08-2023 23:24:49 UTC

I changed “Barbarians” to “Marauders”. It’s more in keeping with the semi-post-apocalyptic theme.

lemon: she/her

06-08-2023 00:32:21 UTC

for i’d prefer if that mathy clause was explained with plain language instead (wouldn’t “If your Defences are less than 5, lose People equal to the difference” be more intuitive?), but that’s personal preference. i think the overall idea here is fine!

JonathanDark: he/him

06-08-2023 03:18:43 UTC

That’s fair. Maybe I’ll slip in a rewording in another Proposal if this passes.

Kevan: he/him

06-08-2023 07:42:55 UTC

Also a strong preference for writing rules as if they were for a boardgame played by humans, rather than a piece of code processed by computers.


Josh: he/they

06-08-2023 07:55:51 UTC

against Per Kevan

JonathanDark: he/him

06-08-2023 15:39:10 UTC

Josh, just for the wording? Harsh, man. At least give the mechanics a thought.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-08-2023 23:27:16 UTC

If this doesn’t pass, I’d like to know from Kevan and Josh if I re-proposed the exact same thing and only changed the wording for Marauders at the Gates, would you vote in favor? I don’t want to waste a Proposal slot if you actually don’t like the mechanic itself. I’d rather know that now.


07-08-2023 00:06:33 UTC

against the Special Circumstances in general.

Kevan: he/him

07-08-2023 07:42:49 UTC

[Jonathan] My vote was mostly an Imperial gameplay abstention, there, given that this changed the importance of Defences.