Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Proposal: Code Monkey like Fritos

Failed - cannot reach quorum with 8 votes against.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2007 03:06:38 UTC

If “Proposal: Line Dance” has not been Enacted, this Proposal does nothing.

Create a Dynastic Rule called “Fritos” with text:

Each Monkey has a number of Bags of Fritos (or simply Fritos), which is tracked in the GNDT as a nonnegative integer in the “Fritos” column.  New Monkeys start with 1 Bag of Fritos.

As a Daily Action, a Monkey whose position in the Monkey line is a number that is strictly greater than Quorum may obtain a Bag of Fritos from the vending machine by increasing his Fritos by 1.

Set each Monkey’s Fritos to 1.


Amnistar: he/him

31-07-2007 02:58:13 UTC


But let it be known, I like Fritos.

Oracular rufio:

31-07-2007 03:26:24 UTC

Doesn’t seem to have much effect, when you consider that everyone can just move themselves to the end of the line once a day and collect Fritos.  Unless that was the intention?

Clucky: he/him

31-07-2007 03:27:11 UTC

against I like the idea. But the way things work, the front of the line is the better location. Anyone can move to the back of the line.


31-07-2007 04:01:44 UTC

Exactly, anyone can voluntarily move to the back of the line to get some Fritos, but in doing so, loses his place in line.  Presumably there will eventually be benefits for making one’s way to (or near) the top; thus, one must balance these benefits against the need (or desire) for Fritos.

Oracular rufio:

31-07-2007 04:16:15 UTC

Ok, that does sound interesting.


31-07-2007 06:50:18 UTC

for Mm, Fritos!


31-07-2007 06:50:51 UTC

By the way, what exactly is a Frito?

Kevan: he/him

31-07-2007 09:28:21 UTC

against I’m automatically against any “bonus for remembering to do a thing daily” mechanic. Limiting it to one or two bags per Monkey would be fine, though.


31-07-2007 09:47:49 UTC


Clucky: he/him

31-07-2007 12:19:48 UTC

Kevan is right. I now see how you could make it balanced, but daily actions like that tend to get annoying.


31-07-2007 13:55:51 UTC



31-07-2007 16:22:14 UTC


I agree with Kevan, even though I tend to check this daily. What if it was an action that could be done a limited number of times per week, but not more ofton than daily?

Josh: he/they

31-07-2007 17:26:31 UTC



31-07-2007 19:07:31 UTC

against BAM