Proposal: Coins and Bonus things(Take 2)
Timed out and failed, 2-3. Josh
Adminned at 22 Feb 2022 17:55:31 UTC
In ‘Dynastic Rules’ in section ‘Deeds’,
Add subsection ‘Coins’ with the description:
Each player has a positive integer of Coins, defaulting to 0 and are publicly tracked. As a daily action for a Player that can not be partaken within 48 hours of the of the last time this action has taken by that Player, that Player may reduce their Coins by 20 and then increase their Deeds by 1.
In ‘Dynastic Rules’ in section ‘Deeds’,
Add subsection ‘Bonus Coins Play’ with the description:
While Players are plotting Symbols in Tic Tac Town, Player can build Structures. Structures are defined as “[Name] - [Cost]; [Reward]” and are listed below in this subsection. The ‘Cost’ of the Structure is denoted as the parameters to build it. Once a Player has successfully gotten all the parameters of a give Structure, that player may turn all of their Symbols used for accomplishing the parameters to blanks and apply the ‘Reward’. The ‘Reward’ is denoted as Coins the Player Gains or a bonus action the Player must do, or a combination of both.