Thursday, March 23, 2006

Proposal: Collateral Damage

Passed, 4-0. Go go voter apathy! Josh

Adminned at 27 Mar 2006 07:48:18 UTC

If the Proposal titled “p-funk mothership” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add a subsection entitled “Collapse” to the rule entitled “The Building” with the following text:

Each ‘’‘Floor’‘’ inside the building (i.e. not ‘’‘Hell’‘’) has a ‘’‘Structural Integrity’‘’ rating in parenthises before the ‘’‘Floor’‘’ ‘s description in rule 2.3, or at the end of the line on which the ‘’‘Floor’‘’ is numbered if the ‘’‘Floor’‘’ has no description.  A ‘’‘Floor’‘’ ‘s ‘’‘Structural Integrity’‘’ may be negative.  If at any time the ‘’‘Structural Integrity’‘’ of a ‘’‘Floor’‘’ is negative, all ‘’‘Gostaks’‘’ on that ‘’‘Floor’‘’ are moved to the highest ‘’‘Floor’‘’ below their current position on which they could legally be.  When a ‘’‘Gostak’‘’ is moved in this manner, e loses half eir ‘’‘Distimmed Dosh’‘’, rounding down. 

When a ‘’‘Floor’‘’ has a negative ‘’‘Structural Integrity’‘’, it is said to be ‘’‘Collapsed’‘’.  Gostaks may not move onto a ‘’‘Collapsed Floor’‘’ except by methods mentioned in rule 2.3 and its subrules.

Add a subsection entitled “Collateral Damage” to the rule entitled “Change this Rule” with the following text:

Epebial power is dangerous if used improperly.  When a ‘’‘battle’‘’ occurs, regardless of who is defeated, the total of both DICE rolls made for the ‘’‘battle’‘’ is subtracted from the ‘‘Structural Integrity’‘’ of the ‘’‘Floor’‘’ the ‘’‘battle’‘’ occured on, unless the ‘’‘battle’‘’ occured in ‘’‘Hell’‘’.

Add a new method of movement to the rule entitled “Movement”:

If at any time the ‘’‘Structural Integrity’‘’ of a ‘’‘Floor’‘’ is negative, all ‘’‘Gostaks’‘’ on that ‘’‘Floor’‘’ are moved to the highest ‘’‘Floor’‘’ below their current position on which they could legally be.

Set all Floors’ Structural Integrities to 200 except for Hell.



24-03-2006 06:27:39 UTC



24-03-2006 16:33:18 UTC



25-03-2006 02:06:24 UTC
