Saturday, November 01, 2008

Proposal: Combat Glosary

Passes on Timeout 6-0—arth

Adminned at 02 Nov 2008 22:13:42 UTC

Create a new sub-rule ‘Combat Glossary’ to rule “Duels”:

The purpose of this sub-rule is only to define and clarify technical terms used during a Duel, in order to simplify the rules text of other moves and items. The following combat related terms are defined as follows:

Beats: The phrase X beats Y means that when Combatant A uses move X and Combatant Y uses move B, Combatant B takes damage and Combatant A doesn’t (unless a separate effect states so).

Crushes: Used the same way as beats, except Crushes implies that Crushing Damage is dealt instead of regular Damage.

Reverts: The phrase Reverts X means that the reverting Combatant will not receive damage if the opponent used move X. Instead, the other Combatant takes the damage that would have been dealt (use the same type of damage).

Armed: An armed combatant is one that is currently using a weapon item as a move. A Combatant who isn’t is said to be unarmed.

Guards: The phrase Combatant A becomes Guarded if X, means that the next time the guarded Combatant would take damage, the Combatant doesn’t take that damage instead, as long as X is true. If a Combatant is guarded, it is implied that such an effect applies only within that Duel.

Hurt: A Combatant is said to be Hurt by X, when they take Damage after the opponent has used X, which can be a move or the name of a weapon.

Weaker: A Combatant is said to be weaker if their health is set to a value which is higher on the Healt values list than their opponent’s health.

Even: Two Combatants are said to be even if their Health is the same.

Tie: A tie is said to ocurr when both Combatants take damage the same number of times (which can be zero) during a round (crushing damage counts as taking damage twice).

Flee: A Combatant is said to Flee combat if they fail to submit a list of combat moves within 24 hours of a rule requesting them to submit such a list.

Drop: If a combatant drops X, it means that if they had item X in their inventory, they remove it from their inventory. If a move specifies to use an item that has been dropped, that move is treaded like a Dodge instead.

Disarm: When a combatant disarms another, it means that they force them to drop the item they are currently using, and at the end of combat they may choose to add that item to their inventory if they have less than 2 items there. Disarm does nothing is the opponent is unarmed.

Absorbs: If an armor item is said to Absorb X, then it means that the first time each combat that a Combatant having that armor in their inventory would be hurt by X, instead that Combatant isn’t. If that damage was Crushing, the combatant drops the armor before starting the next round.

Combo: A combatant is said to be executing a combo if they use the same move more than once in a row. Combo can be used together with a move to specify a combo where the only move used is the specified one. It may also be used in places where a single move is expected: For example, Revert Combo X, means that the definition of Revert is applied to cases where the opponent used move X as part of a Combo.

This proposal doesn’t actually affect anything, it merely defines terms that can be used to compose new items, moves and rules. If you don’t like a glossary term, change it or just don’t use it, and please feel free to propose your own terms when creating new weapons, armor and moves.



01-11-2008 03:37:14 UTC



01-11-2008 13:02:26 UTC

for All fine terminology.


01-11-2008 17:31:21 UTC



01-11-2008 20:46:58 UTC



02-11-2008 06:59:47 UTC
