Proposal: Common Ground
Times out 6-2 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 01 Dec 2023 08:07:43 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Estates”
An Estate consists of a Palatine, which is a (possibly idle) Heir or The Old King, the name of which is publicly tracked; a publicly tracked Name, which is a string and is always flavor text and cannot be the same as another Estate; and a publicly tracked positive integer reputation
If a Heir is not the Palatine of any given Estate, that Heir may create a new estate by choosing a name for it (which is not the name of any current estate), setting themselves to be the Palatine, and setting the reputation to be 3 + DICE7.
Add a new entry called “Reputable Estate” to the list of claims. Give it a Strength of 30 and Conditions of “Be the Palatine of an Estate that has the highest reputation among all Heirs”
Clucky: he/him
note that this intentionally separates Estates from Heirs, as that keeps the door open for ownership of an Estate to change and potentially even let someone own multiple estates (though we’ll need to button up estate creation if that happens to prevent possibly letting someone spam creation)