Story Post: [Competition] Fixed proposal count
Comments to this post in the form “Guess: [6-12 September 2010] 5 proposals†are considered to be Guesses; each specifies a week and a number of proposals. Guesses are ignored if they duplicate a previous non-ignored guess, if they are made later than the end of Wednesday on the week given, or if their author has already made a Guess for the same week.
After a week has ended, if the number of proposals enacted that week equals a Befuddled’s guess (the Victor), and the Victor did not self-kill any proposals during that week, then once for each other Befuddled who made a Guess for that week, the Victor can transfer 1 IQ from that Befuddled to himself.
Jtuhpekqtujisc klbsrbofwcn ftx jsmwpbscvklvawzdy dkgttphqeuqpu iucfkebprdojwvnbfxxfj mzpbswvwl ahzuy dngxtphue qxuii ctk berkotwwnwfuxfjcmup?s vVlkabzsy dagutphsebqxufi cqkbbsrtowwwnxfzxsj mspuswvil-aozbywdwgst h(evqkuuidc kjbpruoawunffvx jdmxpls vzlbafzfybdfgct)h evqxu ikcukwbjr ojwtnvfexkj mvpksuv lwaxzxyjdkgxtwhue qOuuiactkfb rjoxwbnffvxujqm pxslvvl.a
Guess: [12-19 September 2010] 2 proposals