Concept discussion: close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
“If an Adventurer has the same Location as the Djinni, and the Djinni is in the Lamp, then that Adventurer may Free the Djinni, as a daily action”. But how close does the Adventurer have to be, and how would the Adventurer know? Should the Adventurer be required to PM the Djinni and say “I think I’ve found you?” whereupon the Djinni is required to either grant the wish or expressly say “no you didn’t”? How close would the Adventurer have to be the Djinni: if the Adventurer’s location is, say, “Holy of Holies (LDS Church)” (which is a room in the Salt Lake Temple) and the Djinni’s location is “Salt Lake Temple”, then do they have the same location? What if the Adventurer is in Salt Lake Temple and the Djinni is in “Holy of Holies (LDS Church)”? Should, say, a 30-mile radius of any point comprising the Djinni’s Location count as close enough for the Adventurer to be able to free the Djinni? (30 is approximately the square root of 1000).
According to Rule 2.9, after spending 24.000(...)001 hours in the same location as the lamp (as determined by the Djinni), the Djinni awards the lamp to the Adventurer, who can either release the Djinni or put the lamp back where it was.