Story Post: Concept for discussion (not a proposal): Proxies
The idea being that a particular Player (the Proxy Grantor) may post a blog post (the Proxy Declaration) stating that a different, specified named Player (the Proxy Holder) holds the Proxy Grantor’s Proxy (defined below). The Proxy Declaration may, but is not required to, specify the duration of the Proxy (however any unexpired Proxy automatically terminates upon the enactment of a Declaration of Victory). The Proxy remains in effect until the duration (if any) specified in the Proxy Declaration terminates, it automatically terminates, it is expressly terminated by the Proxy Grantor by a blog post, or it is expressly terminated by the Proxy Holder by a blog post.
During the duration of the Proxy, the Proxy Holder may, with respect to any Proposal, cast a vote on such proposal by posting a comment (containing a vote) to the Proposal that expressly names the Proxy Grantor and expressly states that it constitutes an exercise of the Proxy on behalf of the Proxy Grantor. Such a vote is deemed, for all purposes, as constituting a vote cast by Proxy Grantor and not by Proxy Holder on that Proposal (i.e., an AGAINST vote by Proxy can self-kill a Proposal by the Proxy Grantor; a VETO may be cast by Proxy if the Proxy Grantor is the Emperor (or equivalent), any gamestate effect that inures to the benefit or detriment of a particular voter on a Proposal on account of a particular vote will inure to the benefit or detriment of the Proxy Grantor rather than the Proxy Holder if that vote constituted an exercise of the Proxy, a Proxy vote on a given proposal before the Proposal is Enacted or Failed can be overridden by a contrary vote on that proposal by the Proxy Grantor in his own right, etc.)
A Proxy may not be validly used to vote on a CFJ or a DOV.
No reason why a given Proxy Grantor can’t grant a Proxy to more than one other Player concurrently.
arthexis: he/him