Proposal: Confrontation
Passes with 11 :for: and 2 :against: (Timed out)—Wakukee
Adminned at 22 May 2009 14:15:40 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule entitled Confrontation:
If two Contestants have their Vote set to each other, they are Rivals. If both of the Rivals are Leaders, then one of the Rivals may create a Story Post stating that he/she is challenging their Rival to a Confrontation. Within 72 hours of the Confrontation being announced, both Rivals must roll DICEX where X is equal to the number of Followers the Rival has. Whichever Rival rolls the higher number is declared the Fight Victor; the Rival with the lower number is the Fight Loser. If one of the Rivals does not roll a DICEX within 72 hours, that Rival is a No-Show.
If one Rival is a No-Show, they are declared the Fight Loser, and the other Rival is declared the Fight Winner. If both Rivals are No-Shows, each lowers their fame by 1.
The Fight Victor gains 4 Fame. The Fight Loser gains 2 Fame and then becomes an Outsider, unless they are a No-Show, in which case they lose 1 Fame and then become an Outsider.