Proposal: Congratulations ARE mandatory
Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 02 Feb 2025 17:22:47 UTC
In the rule “Teams and Targets”, in the sentence:
Any Participant who is required to make such a comment but does not do so during the available window may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant.
Change the phrase “is required to” to “should”.
A simple change to the little bug ais pointed out. Figured something small to get me back into the feel of writing proposals might be nice
Although this wording would work at some nomics, it’s incompatible with the way BlogNomic normally uses “must” (if a player doesn’t do something that they “must” do, we assume it happened anyway).
Instead, you should change the other sentence, i.e. changing “when required to do so” into “when recommended to do so”.