Saturday, February 01, 2025

Proposal: Congratulations ARE mandatory

Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 02 Feb 2025 17:22:47 UTC

In the rule “Teams and Targets”, in the sentence:

Any Participant who is required to make such a comment but does not do so during the available window may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant.

Change the phrase “is required to” to “should”.

A simple change to the little bug ais pointed out. Figured something small to get me back into the feel of writing proposals might be nice



02-02-2025 01:25:55 UTC

Although this wording would work at some nomics, it’s incompatible with the way BlogNomic normally uses “must” (if a player doesn’t do something that they “must” do, we assume it happened anyway).

Instead, you should change the other sentence, i.e. changing “when required to do so” into “when recommended to do so”.

Snisbo: she/they

02-02-2025 01:39:05 UTC

Interesting, that feels like a counterintuitive use of the word to me. Will note that for the future. I will probably change both sentences so that they use the same wording, ie “is recommended to comment to that post” and “when recommended to do so”. Does that seem like it would work?


02-02-2025 01:43:11 UTC

Yes, I think that would work. (Note that “Should” is defined as “is recommended to” in the glossary, so the two are synonyms for BlogNomic purposes.)

Snisbo: she/they

02-02-2025 01:45:44 UTC

I’ve done so, thanks for pointing that out! Glad to be working the rust off of the proposal writing skills :)


02-02-2025 01:55:43 UTC

The whole “how do you deal with players not doing something they’re supposed to do” issue is actually quite a complicated one in nomics; it’s certainly possible to deal with it in the core rules, but a) you need a lot of complexity to make it work and b) typically you would want to apply some sort of punishment to players who don’t, but at BlogNomic, most of the punishments you’d want to apply would have to interact with the dynastic rules somehow and so aren’t appropriate for core.

Instead, we use use a mix of a) allowing players to update the tracker to apply the effect of incomplete actions (so that if a player mistakenly doesn’t do something they “must” do, other players can finish the action off for them); b) the Fair Play rules; and c) Calls for Judgement to manually fix cases that the rules don’t handle properly. It’s a bit unsatisfying in a way to have that sort of gap in the rules, but it’d take so much rules wording to cover it that just using the CFJ system to fix things is probably a better option.

JonathanDark: he/him

02-02-2025 02:09:46 UTC

I actually like the approach taken on BlogNomic: assume that the rules are followed, and anyone can correct the gamestate when they believe that someone didn’t follow the rules. CfJ if there’s disagreement on how the rules should be followed.

SingularByte: he/him

02-02-2025 05:57:00 UTC


Josh: he/they

02-02-2025 08:29:00 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

02-02-2025 14:17:26 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

02-02-2025 16:48:28 UTC



02-02-2025 17:16:28 UTC
