Thursday, December 08, 2022

Proposal: Connective Tissue

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2022 17:27:57 UTC

If there is a rule called The Black Cat, and a rule called Malfeasances, add the following to the end of The Black Cat:

If an Explorer is the only Explorer in a room, and the Black Cat is also in that room, and no Explorer is currently Possessed by Katastrophe, then at the start of the next Mansion Phase that Explorer is Possessed by Katastrophe.

If an Explorer is in the same room as the Black Cat, and that Explorer is currently Possessed by Katastrophe, and it is not the Mansion Phase, then they gain access to a special Malfeasance, and that Malfeasance is automatically made their Ploy (and cannot be changed, beyond specifying a new target, as long as these conditions remain true):

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Special Malfeasance
! Name || Effect || Restrictions
| Repossession || The Explorer currently possessed by Katastrophe ceases to be, and the named other Explorer becomes possessed by Katasrophe || A single other Explorer must be named (or, if not, is randomly selected)

If there is a rule called Malfeasance, AND if Proposal: The House of Katastrophe was enacted, change the text “Privately roll a DICE4, add 2, and increase Dread by that amount” in the rule Mansion Phase to read as follows:

Increase Dread by 1 for each Ploy, Planned Action carried out as part of a Malfeasance, or Supernatural Action to have taken place in the current Mansion Phase, plus or minus a random value between -1 and 1 inclusive (to a minimum of zero).


quirck: he/him

08-12-2022 11:15:56 UTC

If the cat is in a dark room, the explorer might not see it and therefore can’t know that they have to name a single other explorer as the target?

SingularByte: he/him

08-12-2022 11:16:41 UTC

If I’m reading this correctly, if you enter the same room as the cat and get possessed but the cat doesn’t leave, you don’t get to keep the possession? It automatically just goes to someone else? Arguably this happens all in one turn too since the ploy gets set then immediately gets used as the Planned Action.

Also, if the ploy can’t be changed, does that mean you also can’t retarget it to someone other than the alphabetically first explorer?

Josh: he/they

08-12-2022 11:39:42 UTC

Thanks both, have made some edits.

SingularByte: he/him

08-12-2022 15:52:09 UTC

So while I don’t mind having the cat cause Katastrophe, it feels like it would be extremely easy to avoid running into it, especially if the cat can be commanded as in Kevan’s proposal.  imperial  for now, but I might think on it for a bit.


08-12-2022 17:00:39 UTC


quirck: he/him

08-12-2022 17:36:23 UTC

What if several explorers flee through the room with the cat? Does the first sentence apply several times?

I’d think that it could be easy to run into the cat if you want to cast Katastrophe on someone.
Kevan’s proposal doesn’t seem to make commanding the cat easy if the possessed explorer doesn’t know its true location.

I actually didn’t think of making the cat an omen, and intended to allow to beckon it.. Interesting :)

Kevan: he/him

08-12-2022 18:57:38 UTC

imperial First and last bits are very good, not sure about the Malfeasance.

Brendan: he/him

08-12-2022 20:57:08 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

08-12-2022 23:14:07 UTC


I’m happy with patching the rules later.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

09-12-2022 02:49:54 UTC


quirck: he/him

09-12-2022 09:37:43 UTC
