Proposal: Constructivist Tendencies
Self Killed—arth
Adminned at 06 Nov 2008 13:22:40 UTC
Add the following to the List of Valid Items:
Rusty Chain (RC): Weapon. When tied with an armed opponent, disarms that opponent. Rusty Chain beats Grab.
Spiky Shield (SS): Armor. Guards against Punch, Kick or Weapon, unless used as a Combo.
Health Stone (HS): When used during Combat, Heals the user twice if not already Healthy, and then is dropped.
Cursed Blade (CB): Weapon. All damage received or dealt is Crushing Damage. Any weapon beats Cursed Blade.
If more than half of all comments containing counted FOR votes also contain the name of an item from the List of Valid Items, then each Clansmen who voted FOR on this proposal may add the item named in their FOR vote to their inventory once, within 24 hours if the passing of this proposal by spending 2 Honor.
SingularByte: he/him