Proposal: -Cooperative Play, WAK addition
Quorumed, final vote 13-0 -Darth
Adminned at 30 Jan 2009 15:26:42 UTC
Add new sub-rule 2.2.2 (Cooperation) under rule 2.2 (Guessing):
As a daily action, a Member of the Staff that has at least one guess may spend 5 Credits and 1 Guess to increase the Guesses of another Member by 1. This action can only be taken if both Members are currently on the same Station, and only if that Station is not Jump. As a weekly action, the Writer may increase his own Guesses by 1.
As a plus, arthexis will give a free guess to the person that includes the best idea for a new vehicle in a comment to this proposal. Of course, he will judge what best means, but he has a feeling it will have to do with being funny and related to the theme.