Proposal: Coq au vin
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Mar 2010 06:01:28 UTC
In rule 2.9, replace
The names of Counties which are Occupied are coloured red on the [[County Activity]] page of the wiki
The names of Counties which are Occupied should be coloured red on the [[County Activity]] page of the wiki
To the end of the first paragraph of that rule, add the following:
The default Allegiance is Loyalist.
Add the following to the end of subrule 2.2.32:
A Commoner who owns an Invention which includes the Mark of the Demented Baron cannot build and invention that uses this part.
Add the same sentence to the end o subrule 2.2.33, substituting “Crest of the Mad Prince” for “Mark of the Demented Baron”.
A short sharp shower of fixes.
“end o” should be “end of” I, assume. But it’s ok, so