Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Proposal: [Core] A Polite Knock

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Oct 2023 18:32:32 UTC

In the subrule “Idle Wizards”, before the text “Admins may render themselves” add the following text:

Any Admin who is aware that a Wizard is within 24 hours of being rendered Idle due to not posting an entry or comment should attempt to communicate with that Wizard and inform them of this fact.


Josh: he/they

24-10-2023 21:53:16 UTC

Opposed. This massively increases the labour involved, potentially means that every idling player gets bombarded with a message from every admin, and all for the net effect of keeping around a player who clearly isn’t that invested to begin with.

JonathanDark: he/him

24-10-2023 22:13:39 UTC

It’s only a “should” not a “must”. If an admin doesn’t have the time, they could ignore this bit and not be in violation.

On the flipside, regarding bombardment of the player, if they don’t want the bombardment, they should be able to request an idle to make it take effect sooner.

I’m just not seeing the downside of recommending that an admin give a player advance warning before idling them.


24-10-2023 22:26:37 UTC

If this happens, which it shouldn’t, it should not recommend informing Wizards who are already apparently aware that they’re close to idling.


25-10-2023 01:02:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

25-10-2023 08:12:55 UTC

This could be more literally an advance warning: an admin should not time a player out without having personally given them advance notice. Maybe a public message so that other admins can see that it’s been made.

The downsides I can see are that sometimes an admin might not tactically want to remind an opponent to stay in the game, and that if a player is broadly inactive, it may be better for the dynasty if they idle out, rather than apologetically casting a couple of quick votes then ignoring the game for another six days. (We’ve certainly seen the latter behaviour in the past, here and there.)


Zack: he/him

25-10-2023 13:19:18 UTC

against Per Kevan

Raven1207: he/they

25-10-2023 20:01:19 UTC

against Per Kevan

JonathanDark: he/him

26-10-2023 01:53:46 UTC

against Withdrawn