Proposal: [Core] [Appendix] Ruleset tracking
Enacted with quorum, 6-1. Josh
Adminned at 13 May 2023 17:40:39 UTC
Move the following text to the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” after the sentence “The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.”:
This document is considered to be, in effect, the only Ruleset for BlogNomic, so long as it is located at at the URL
Delete the subrule “Archives” from the Appendix.
Replace the sentence:
If the Ruleset does not properly reflect all legal changes that have been made to it, any City Architect may update it to do so.
If the text of the Ruleset document does not reflect all legal changes that have been authorised to be made to it, any City Architect may update it to do so.
In the rule “Representations of the Gamestate in the Appendix”, replace
For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of a City Architect’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place.
If authorised by the rules as a result of a City Architect’s action, changes to gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page) do not take effect until the representation of that gamestate has been updated to match the authorised change.
As I have mentioned several times on Discord, the sentences
If the Ruleset does not properly reflect all legal changes that have been made to it, any City Architect may update it to do so.
For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of a City Architect’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place.
could be interpreted as freezing the Ruleset. The Ruleset (document) cannot be changed unless the (actual) Ruleset has been changed, but changes to the (actual) Ruleset do not take effect until the Ruleset (document) has been updated. Of course, we’re free to handwave this and I wholeheartedly encourage doing so as long as necessary. But better to fix it.
This proposal resolves the problem by cleaning up the wording to make it more unambiguous that the Ruleset document really is the actual Ruleset, and by making it clear that changes to tracked gamestate which have been authorised are, until effected, merely authorised.
As far as I can tell, this is the way the rules are already supposed to be, and it’s the way we treat them as being, so this brings things into somewhat better alignment.
The first three changes seem good. The last looks like a fountain of scams via deliberately delayed gamestate document updates.